New to Chickens


6 Years
May 19, 2013
My wife and I just entered the wonderful world of chickens. About a month ago we drove around the great state of Idaho and purchased a Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Ameraucana, and an Australorp. I have since build a new coop and the ladies have moved in. So far, we have had a great experience. While we know we have some time before fresh eggs, we can't wait. I look forward to meeting members and learning more about taking care of our birds. It has been great fun so far.
Welcome to BYC
You've picked some very nice breeds!
welcome! my first time with chicks too! I have 6 that are about 8 weeks old, and my husband has finished our coop and the girls love it!. have fun
Thanks everyone. My wife and I are having a blast and the ladies are loving their new digs. They have really enjoyed being able to roam the back yard and eat the grass. I am working on a writeup about my coop to share with the community. It's no Martha Stewart collection coop, but it's well thought out and will work for our needs. I attached a picture to share with you guys.

I don't know what predators you have in your area but, I will sleep a lot better if you use 1/ 2 inch hardware cloth around the base of your chicken wire, from ground up to 2-3 feet to prevent predators from getting to your chickens. Chicken wire only keep chickens in, it is too flimsy to keep out anything else. Predators will rip thru the wire like it was cheesecloth . Raccoons are especially fond of pulling any body part they can reach, thru the fencing and eating it off.

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