New to ducks need egg help


5 Years
Mar 26, 2014
Long Island
We got 2 muscovy ducks about a month ago 1 drake and a hen. Well last week she started laying eggs we're up to about 10. By law with the amount of birds we have I can only let her hatch 1 (we already have chickens) so here's my questions
1-can I just remove the eggs without upsetting her/make her abandon the nest.
2-can i just leave 1 or 2 for her to hatch?
3-will she lay again or is it only 1 clutch a season?

She hasn't started incubating yet so i'm guessing she's still laying.
We've never had ducks all new to this and none of our chickens ever went broody
Thanks in advance for any pearls of wisdom
We got 2 muscovy ducks about a month ago 1 drake and a hen. Well last week she started laying eggs we're up to about 10. By law with the amount of birds we have I can only let her hatch 1 (we already have chickens) so here's my questions
1-can I just remove the eggs without upsetting her/make her abandon the nest.
2-can i just leave 1 or 2 for her to hatch?
3-will she lay again or is it only 1 clutch a season?

She hasn't started incubating yet so i'm guessing she's still laying.
We've never had ducks all new to this and none of our chickens ever went broody
Thanks in advance for any pearls of wisdom
@bahamh Let her finish her clutch before removing the eggs. {If you want her to hatch] If you don't then just remove the eggs now she'll keep laying till she has laid out of this go around. Then after a few weeks break she'll start back. Muscovy's are seasonal layers which means they lay spring into fall then are done for the year. So you'll get plenty of eggs as long as you can keep her from going broody. LOL good luck on that one.

If you want her to hatch a few then leave her alone to finish building her clutch once she begins to sit 24/7 [except for coming out to eat drink and run around like a nut looking like a sumo wrestler] Then you can begin removing her eggs till you are down to the number you want her to hatch.I always wait till they are out of the nest then go in and take eggs. Once they are full on broody they will be happy with what ever eggs they have. Or don't have mine will brood on nothing.
Anouther option would be to allow her to sit on the eggs and hatch them, and then give away/sell the babies on Craigslist or in the Rehoming section on BYC.

Good luck with whichever option you choose,

Charlotte :)

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