New to the counrty and got day olds chicks today!

michigan chick

In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
Sparta MI
I did a lot of research before deciding to get chickens(off and on for a year now). I got them home today. I have them in a brooder i.e. a tote with paper towels down and then a metal mesh on top of that for traction. For heat i am using a red heat light and thermometer. For feed I am using a mason jar feeder and waterier. I am using medicated chick starter and granite. As I took each chick out of the box I checked their vent and then dipped their beak in water. One chicken had a clump of black stuff about an centimeter down but vent area was clean and dry. What is this should I be concerned should I try to remove it. I did try wiping it off but its on there good and I thought that that might be where the egg sack was attached. Please help I am very new to this.

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Hello and
! Congrats on getting your new chicks! First off, I would go ahead and take that wire mesh out of the brooder. It is hard on their little feet, messy to clean, and the paper towels will be sufficient. Now about your question. You are correct about that being the yolk sac. Leave it alone and let it fall off on it's own. If you try to remove it, you might open the abdomen back up and your chick could bleed to death.

Enjoy your new little fuzz butts and post some pictures! We all want to see them!
I was only using the mesh for the first two days. I was told and read not to use just paper towels for the same reason you do not use news paper. I then will be using pine shavings. Thanks for the help i really appreciate it .

I downloaded some picture on to my blog page. The chickens and there brooder. More to come so keep watching. We plan to build a coup this weekend pictures to come. Also one of the chicks seem to have spraddle leg. I have already put a splint on him. My question is does he need to be separated from the rest? He is holding his own for now but I worry if the others will pick on him. He is already the smallest chick. Any thoughts will help.

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