New waterer and feeder! (And slight troubles w/waterer)


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Made my waterer today :D

Only issue is it's kinda bulging? My dad had said it wouldn't tighten more but it was sticking out like a 1/4 or 1/2 inch and i didnt wanna leave it out that far and made him tighten more. Thinking I should have just left it. But oh well.






He also decided the vent holes were better on the sides than the top so debris doesn't come in and added 2 for me.



And sliced slits with a knife all around the lid to make it easier to get on and off.



One left over.



All done.






So far no leaks and bought some concrete cinder blocks to put it on today, the square ones (not paver stones), for $1.04 each. So far so good
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Making the feeder next. Probably tomorrow or later in the week.









Sadly, it looks like only one elbow can fit instead of 2 like I thought but maybe cut it will fit. We'll see. If not I'll return 2. Or keep in case we mess the cut up :p


Plan on making at least 2 anyway and spoiled them with food grade buckets cause, well, it's food and I want them to be safe :p

My dad didn't like the storage tote idea suggested cause he said if part of it gets contaminated then it ALL gets contaminated and he has a point I suppose. So going with buckets.

Pretty excited about this.
If you are worried it will leak then perhaps a test in the bath tub or kitchen sink will ease your mind. I have not used the nipple waterers myself but I do build equipment for a living and I think your dad may have been right and now they may leak. I say test it. Fill it in the tub or sink and let it sit overnight then check the water level in the morning.
If you are worried it will leak then perhaps a test in the bath tub or kitchen sink will ease your mind. I have not used the nipple waterers myself but I do build equipment for a living and I think your dad may have been right and now they may leak. I say test it. Fill it in the tub or sink and let it sit overnight then check the water level in the morning.

Thanks for the input! Yeah, he definitely may have been right! But ah well, worst case scenario is we just toss this bucket and use another one or little bigger drill bit :)

I just filled it and so far so good but I will leave it in the sink! I have it on the floor now lol
If it holds overnight you should be good to go.
Plastic threads and needing to be watertight are tricky first time endeavors. I understand why you were wanting it fully seated. They look like they should go deeper but are designed to go only so far as they have a slight taper on the threaded end so they can be water tight. Tricky little buggers.
I use brass fittings and they are the same way. (not on chicken dishes but in my job)
Thank you for your help! And for explaining all that and/or being so nice about it instead of just thinking I'm crazy or dumb or something for wanting them so tight aha they definitely are tricky! So do you think that I should just take them out and start over or do you think it will be okay? Don't want to start off with a faulty system!
Looking at the pics it looks like they are just almost to that to tight and leaking spot. I think you will be fine so long as they hold overnight.

You are welcome as well. I also train all the new people so patience and being thorough is in my nature.
My dad seems to think that it will be fine so I have put it in the sink and we will see! Hoping they will be! Don't have it all the way full though, should I fill it more to test what it will really be like or is it if it leaks, it will leak no matter how full??

And ah well that makes sense then! Hah thanks :)
The more water the more pressure so I would fill it at least half way full. It should not need to be all the way full to have enough pressure to reveal a leak.

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