New York mini chickenstock 2016

YES and YES :)

and eggs from me will be much cheaper as I don't have an incubator and so chick therefore take more planning and fanangling on my part - therefore more money :)
@Metella aren't you to blame for the 6 millies I'm getting as well? Those are from @boskelli1571 right? So 1/2 dozen Marans and 1/2 dozen blue layers from you @Metella plus @PhoredaBurds for Spitz and @Pyxis for 1 dozen EE. Plus 1/2 dozen BA from one of yall.

Metella is responsible for your Millies - she snagged me last year!
@chicken girl, I got some more photos of Bob the big grey Orpington who has just started to crow (though if he is in the dust wallow, he doesn't bother to get up, just sort of sticks his head out from under the coop and hollers :). Let my know if you want him, he needs to get out of the City of Binghamton before we get busted... He's actually pretty laid back but there's something about my neighbor's boyfriend's voice that sets him off (they argue a lot while smoking on their back porch, I think poor Bob just wants peace in _his_ valley).
@chicken girl, I got some more photos of Bob the big grey Orpington who has just started to crow (though if he is in the dust wallow, he doesn't bother to get up, just sort of sticks his head out from under the coop and hollers :). Let my know if you want him, he needs to get out of the City of Binghamton before we get busted... He's actually pretty laid back but there's something about my neighbor's boyfriend's voice that sets him off (they argue a lot while smoking on their back porch, I think poor Bob just wants peace in _his_ valley).
I do very much want him. I sent you a message , where do I pick him up? It will have to be tomorrow as it's 20 minutes until kids bedtime.
Oh,_hey! Awesome... This new phone is giving me fits trying to figure out how to embed the pictures. I am on the South side of Binghamton. Let me message you back. Thanks!
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Everything but the big leaved oregano did great - I am sure that was my fault for not getting that planted soon enough ! :) VERY pleased.

That plum tree is already potted - I did it a month ago - so that it will really travel well - as even digging them up a month before - left them a little wilty .... so now it will perk up and thrive through spring for you.

Do you still have a plum tree for me ?
I would be interested in maybe 6 eggs ?
2 Marans , 2 blue , 2 from the light grey birds - splash is okay too
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