New York mini chickenstock 2016

We are fighting a no win battle. Those of us with the space, enthusiasm and time are out of luck I do think. Its just to much fun to sit in the back yard and watch the to not get more.
That's my problem too...I have 17 acres here and another 12 on my farm...unlimited chicken space! If winter was just easier...although this winter was blessed weatherwise but it will be bad for us because the bugs didn't die off.
I actually had a moment yesterday that I thought I should limit my chicken additions. A bit too little too late, as I have 20 in the incubator and 24 in the coop with plans to incubate at least 50 more. It was only a moment.

If I'm able to come in May (which I thought I would know by now but Little League still hasn't given us our schedule), would anyone be interested in Pavlovskaya? They'd be 13 weeks old and I could probably identify a trio by then. I haven't decided how to house all the chickens and I think I'll only keep a couple pavs this summer. I guess I should clarify, I know how to house them all, but I'm only breeding Brabanters as pure so I will only have 2 pens/coops with a goal of about 30 chickens over winter. I'm already thinking about winter.
That's my problem too...I have 17 acres here and another 12 on my farm...unlimited chicken space! If winter was just easier...although this winter was blessed weatherwise but it will be bad for us because the bugs didn't die off.
I love chickens as a hobby. They have made it so easy to convince my city husband that we need a total country life. No drama just animals of the useful sort.
Hello everyone! I am very interested in Chickenstock! It sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm probably only an hour away! I live in the Binghamton area (Maine, if you know the area). My chicken problem started about a year ago, we've got 17 hens and 2 roosters right now.

I don't know that I have anything to offer, except maybe jam? I am terrible with plants, and after our garden got hit with blight and powdery mildew I'm feeling rather defeated on that front.

I'm very interested in what everyone else has to offer though!
I am going to try my hardest to make Chickenstock also. I am just not sure if I will be up here at that time or in Fl. I split time because my Dad is older and blind and I like to make sure I am around enough for him...and the Semester ends in mid May and I have been stuck in NY because both the colleges I teach at had different breaks this year...UGH! Never planning that one again.

OK - as promised - some of you wanted lavender chickens - I call 'em grey. I have AB breed that lays medium sky blue eggs and the body type can be white, light or dark grey with splashes .... IF you terribly care about the grey color - I can make sure I gather only eggs from my two grey hens - and the too is grey -so the chances of grey peeps is pretty height - but you still may get a white splash.

Here is what the AB flock looks like (in smaller breeder pen now - but they free range with the whole flock most of the year)

I'll have some peeps from my Colo line (welsummer, aracuana, buff orp). Laying brown to green eggs - very sweet temperament and hardy. These are the picks of the rusty orange colored birds.

And then pure Marana - white roost, 2 grey splash hens and 4 black copper hens - so the best guess is for sure Marana body, dark brown eggs and pot luck on the feather color.

OK - as promised - some of you wanted lavender chickens - I call 'em grey. I have AB breed that lays medium sky blue eggs and the body type can be white, light or dark grey with splashes .... IF you terribly care about the grey color - I can make sure I gather only eggs from my two grey hens - and the too is grey -so the chances of grey peeps is pretty height - but you still may get a white splash.

Here is what the AB flock looks like (in smaller breeder pen now - but they free range with the whole flock most of the year)
They are beauties! What does AB stand for?

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