New York mini chickenstock 2016

So I almost made it all the way home from chickenstock without acquiring additional birds. Was only 20 minutes from home when stopped at a light, saw a fancy pigeon trying to find water in the cracks in the road. Traffic was swerving to avoid hitting him. I was sure I was going to watch him get squished. Sucker that I am, pulled over and scooped him up. Not sure if the sun cooked my brain that day or what, but I convinced myself that he must be dehydrated & lost, that I could just give him some food & water and send him on his way. Well I gave him food & water and a safe place to sleep for the night. Let him out first thing in the morning & he only flew as far as the roof of my house. Had to work today and expected him to be gone when I got home, but no, he was still chillin on the roof. He watched me as I went in the house & back out. When a heavy rainstorm came thru, he flew down to the slider to get out of the rain. He looked up at me thru the glass as if asking to come in. And because I am weak, I put some fresh shavings, more food & water in the carrier, scooped him up and put him in there, just inside the kitchen till the storm passed. He seems healthy, a little thin, but healthy, bright eyed. He's a very handsome bird with dramatic black & white markings. He is banded. He is tame enough to catch without too much of a chase. Anyone here know pigeons? I posted a "found" ad on CL, but other than that, I have no idea how to find his owner. Any suggestions?
I must say that duckling was extremely popular yesterday!
My older son wanted it. He also wanted the baby bunny. I told him they will grow up and won't be so cute anymore. I know it won't be him taking care of them at home. We have five rabbits, and the only thing he does with them is rub their ears when he passes by
So I almost made it all the way home from chickenstock without acquiring additional birds. Was only 20 minutes from home when stopped at a light, saw a fancy pigeon trying to find water in the cracks in the road. Traffic was swerving to avoid hitting him. I was sure I was going to watch him get squished. Sucker that I am, pulled over and scooped him up. Not sure if the sun cooked my brain that day or what, but I convinced myself that he must be dehydrated & lost, that I could just give him some food & water and send him on his way. Well I gave him food & water and a safe place to sleep for the night. Let him out first thing in the morning & he only flew as far as the roof of my house. Had to work today and expected him to be gone when I got home, but no, he was still chillin on the roof. He watched me as I went in the house & back out. When a heavy rainstorm came thru, he flew down to the slider to get out of the rain. He looked up at me thru the glass as if asking to come in. And because I am weak, I put some fresh shavings, more food & water in the carrier, scooped him up and put him in there, just inside the kitchen till the storm passed. He seems healthy, a little thin, but healthy, bright eyed. He's a very handsome bird with dramatic black & white markings. He is banded. He is tame enough to catch without too much of a chase. Anyone here know pigeons? I posted a "found" ad on CL, but other than that, I have no idea how to find his owner. Any suggestions?

We found a tagged pigeon years ago, hung around the farm for weeks. Can't remember if we were able to figure out the tag. Might be someone's homing or racing pigeon that got lost. Someone in the main thread might be familiar with pigeons. Otherwise it sounds like you got a new pet ;)
Awwww, that's cute. Yes. Blame your momentary weakness on the sun. That's definitely the cause
Maybe his home was close by where you found him. Maybe you could stick up some 'found' posters in the area. Do the bands on birds have any info? Like breeder info or something? If there are any pigeon clubs in the area maybe you could check with them too. Otherwise, contratulations on you new pet!!!
So I almost made it all the way home from chickenstock without acquiring additional birds. Any suggestions?
Not a clue ! I
got those little cuties from you ? what are they ?
I thought one of them was sick for a while ..
Maybe pine bedding or too much Ammonia in the bedding..a little stuffed nose ..
It seems to have cleared now ..theyve been on grass bedding for 24 hours
They get along with the older ones ...except at bed time ..they want to burrow under the bigger ones ..They dont like that
Im going to see if my broody hen will raise them with her chicks ..tomorrow ...eve
Whew - day of traveling after the big day - home safe and sound with all birds and plants ...

What a great day that was - thanks for hosting ! Nice set up for this group.

Since I only got one bird ... I am now wishing I got more BOTH plants and chickens :) But I have more than I need ... and not enough time to do things like I want ....

Hi - my name is Metella and I am a farm-a-holic .....
Not a clue ! I
got those little cuties from you ? what are they ?
I thought one of them was sick for a while ..
Maybe pine bedding or too much Ammonia in the bedding..a little stuffed nose ..
It seems to have cleared now ..theyve been on grass bedding for 24 hours
They get along with the older ones ...except at bed time ..they want to burrow under the bigger ones ..They dont like that
Im going to see if my broody hen will raise them with her chicks ..tomorrow ...eve

You took home a couple gold spangled Spitzhaubens. Hope they're both ok. I felt like a bad chick mom that I didn't have a way to cool them down. Always so focused on keeping that age warm. I should've brought some frozen water bottles for them. Thank goodness we had some shade.
:) My 3 I got from you did just fine - I kept sliding along the shade line - and they kept spilling their water :)

On the way home Emily laid an egg :) (do you think it is fertile and if so - will it be a gold or black poppa! I would like a fun mix just for the poop of it)

The two younger ones are also fine and will make the last leg of their journey this week to Bakin's place.

I shudda bought even more birds from you - I was trying to be good.
Yep, that egg is probably fertile. The roo in that pen is chamois (aka sham-wow), so the chick could be either gold spangled pullet, chamois pullet, white cockerel split to chamois, or silver cockerel split to gold. I put the chamois roo over a few silvers bc he has super nice type and the silvers need some help w their tail angle. Please keep me posted on what hatches. :)

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