Newbie here from Manitoba, Canada

I'm curious to hear how you're winterizing.... I'm in New Hampshire and it gets pretty cold here as well! What are you planning to do? :)
Well, we are just getting the coop wired so this has opened up our options considerably! We are re-insulating the inside this summer.

I have seen many coops around here that use baseboard heater mounted about 2-3 up a free wall, so are thinking of trying that. Also, continue to have the heat lamp above the roost. One person I know is trying an infrared light instead and we may look into that.

So, far that is our plan. It keeps evolving as time goes on but I think this year if we get it insulated and some baseboard heaters up we should be good to. I know some ppl discourage against them but I think it's the best option for us as it gets really, really cold here ( like -40C over night...I guess that would be -40F!!! Wow did not know they would be the same!!...thanks online conversion!!lol)

What do you have or plan to have?

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