Newbie with poult questions.


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
I just hatched out 3 of 3 eggs with my FFA project. So pretty good hatch rate I though for first time hatching turkeys and with chickens at that, I was impressed lol. Anyway I had three and one drowned in the waterer and the other two are doing fine, but their toes are curled and they have a hard time standing it seems like. Other than that they seem healthy and happy.
I was told by somebody that turkeys spend the first six months of their lives trying to kill themselves and if they survive after that they are probably going to make it :D I've only raised two. Both survived to maturity. I lost a couple chicks once thinking I could use one of those six slot metal feeders as a waterer. Chicks got in there. I learned my lesson, now I don't give the babies anything deeper than their little bodies, even if it has a cover.

Im not about the curled toes. I'd run a search. I've seen pictures of chicks with splints / their little feet taped to cardboard and such. Maybe search for "toe splints".
I checked them today and they look slightly better, maybe they have yet to strighten out of the eggs lol I don't know, but thanks for the quick reply.

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