

Nov 10, 2015
New Zealand
Hi everyone. I have to say I love this site. Its very informative and everyone seems so helpful. I am new to owning chickens, but I think I may just become a crazy chicken lady lol.
I am a vet nurse but have never had much to do with birds. But I have recently rescued a couple of hens that have come into the local animal shelter. I am wanting to learn so I can pass information on to clients and also to the vet I work with, who doesn't know a lot about chickens.
I currently have one almost retired layer red shaver, 2 younger red shavers (one who is currently on medication for an infection), and a barred rock cross with 2 3-4 week old chicks.
Thanks in advance for all information/help given :)
Hi everyone. I have to say I love this site. Its very informative and everyone seems so helpful. I am new to owning chickens, but I think I may just become a crazy chicken lady lol.
I am a vet nurse but have never had much to do with birds. But I have recently rescued a couple of hens that have come into the local animal shelter. I am wanting to learn so I can pass information on to clients and also to the vet I work with, who doesn't know a lot about chickens.
I currently have one almost retired layer red shaver, 2 younger red shavers (one who is currently on medication for an infection), and a barred rock cross with 2 3-4 week old chicks.
Thanks in advance for all information/help given :)

Welcome to BYC! Ask whatever question you may have and all of us will try to help the best we can. I'm already a crazy poultry boy. My dream job is veterinarian.
Have you visited the Learning Center? It's the best place to start an education. You might also lurk on the "emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures," thread - some of the respondents have poultry knowledge well beyond that of a typical vet. There just aren't enough avian vets

Drumstick diva is correct (she usually is, lol) about the lack of vet's with knowledge about birds so whatever you pass on to yours will be helpful. There is so much information here, you can use the Search bar (upper left corner, under the logo) to find just about anything you want to know. And of course, always feel free to ask questions.

Thanks for joining us and have fun with your new flock!

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