Newly Adpted hen...not sure the breed, any ideas??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 4, 2013
Pemberton, NJ
So, I was blessed to find a great farm home for my three (!) rooster babies, and in exchange they gave me three hens, two silkies and a third whom I do not know. She's got to be at least 7 pounds, lays brown, huge eggs, and is an all-around "classic" chicken in look and voice. Any ideas as to breed? Been looking at pics, but can't decipher a positive from any.
I think you have a black sex link
X 2
My black sex link is amazing, never misses a single day in regards to laying and lays a MASSIVE egg for me. Shame she's so flighty, they are great chickens though :)
Well mine was a farm bird. They hatch out hundreds and she was 11weeks when I got her so think he just didnt get the handling when she was young. She is also the only one oftmy chickens who is always straying on her own into my neighbours gardens. Luckily they have chickens so they dont mind!
Hey, thanks all! Ladybird is great, she lays a reliable 3 oz. egg daily! Is the black sex link considered a 'breed', or a mutation of another breed?
Hey, thanks all! Ladybird is great, she lays a reliable 3 oz. egg daily! Is the black sex link considered a 'breed', or a mutation of another breed?
They are specifictly bred to produce mass qaunity of eggs, they are usually a Barred Rock Hen crossed with A Rhode Island Red Roo

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