Newly hatched chick has strange poo!


11 Years
Sep 1, 2008
Lake Stevens, WA
So this was my first successful hatch, so I am being very paranoid!

When I last checked on the chicks I found a green poo that had a decent amount of red in it. They are only about 10hrs old...what could this be? They haven't even left the incubator yet. Sorry if I sound like a newbie. This is my first time hatching my own chicks!
It could be the waste that comes out of the egg when they hatch. I wouldn't worry too much unless it happens again once they're all dry
I'd agree with that. My chicks never poo until they've been taken out of the bator and have eaten something. Any goop in the bator is egg yuckles.
Next few poops were normal. I was actually pretty surprised! They are little poo machines and they haven't eaten yet. They just now got their first meal.

But all the other poos I found this morning/afternoon were normal.
my hatch last weekend poo'd in the bator too...
I watched one poo on my sponge...
for some reason they crowded onto sit on the sponge... strange little beasties...
glad it cleared up.
It was probably urate crystals in the urine part of the poo...
newborn babies get that...
New hatchlings often poop green for their first one or two evacuations. Creepy and startling.

Now, think about it, we are not bothered by NORMAL chick poop. That's an odd thought, isn't it? How pleased we are when a chick has a normal poop.
Hehe I feel like a new mom! I was on video call with my boyfriend on msn and he couldn't help but giggle at me cooing over the chicks. He is no better though! The only reason he had me video call him was so he could see the chicks!! haha! (He had to work overtime so he didn't have time to stop by my place to see them in person.)

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