Newly Hatched Duckling Cracked Other Egg


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2023
Hi everyone! I just had my first duckling hatch! There are 3 other eggs in the incubator, and she was moving all around after hatching and looks to have bumped into and somehow cracked a piece of shell off one of the other eggs that just started to internally pip last night. The crack is on the opposite end from the air sac. Will this harm the duckling still in the egg?
How did the rest of your hatch go @AltGirlfriend?

It shouldn’t have made any difference to the egg or any others. It can get quite rough in the incubator!
Thank you for checking in! It was really struggling so after about 48 hours I worked up the courage to poke a safety hole (it was my first hatch ever so I was a nervous wreck lol) and it came blasting out about a half hour later! Its poor little feet were curled pretty bad and it had a much harder time getting up and on its feet than the first but it's doing great today!

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