Night Time - Food


In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2024
Wilmington, NC
This is my first go with chicks. I got the OK to leave them in the run and coop overnight given the temps. They’re around 3wks. Do I place the feeder/water in the coop overnight or just leave it in the run for daytime?
I leave food in the coop for the first couple of weeks. After that it's a matter of whether you're able to feed them at dawn or close to.
I do too but that's because I am definitely NOT the "up at crack of dawn" type of person. :)

Once the chicks join the flock (for me, around 4-5 weeks old) then they're on the adults' schedule.
Mine get locked in an 8x8 parrot aviary converted to grow out pen so their food and heated water stays in there with them. I'm not into hauling food and water around for any chickens and I'm not up early either, so it stays in the main coop overnight too. We don't have a rodent issue as the 3 cats and two dogs stop it. It's usually chipmunks!

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