nighttime feeding and watering


8 Years
Mar 14, 2011
I'm new at this... my chickens (5 black australorps and 3 white leghorns) are now 7 weeks old and we've moved them into a chicken tractor we just built so they have more room to run around
. I've set up large water bottles (the kind with the nozzle and metal ball) and a hanging feeder in the outside part of the tractor, but I don't know if I'm supposed to provide food and water for them all night inside the coop too? If so, suggestions for waterers are needed as they knock over the traditional bottles with bowls under them. Thanks a bunch!!
I have to provide food and water at night.The wife cannot go into the coop with the roosters,so I do it when I get home in the evening.Also I have extra coturnix quail in there cleaning the ground in the run,and they are chirping at me to feed them when I get in.
I keep a light on in the layer's coop 24/7. The hens have water available at all times but I don't worry if they don't have food over-night. They sleep most of the night anyhow, even with the light on.

(during the blizzard we lost power and my chickens were sooo lost without their nightlite. It was kind of funny)

I don't like having food outside in the run at night because rats and rabbits will eat out of the feeder in the dark and I don't want to support either.
If they have no light they will not eat or drink, but did anyone notice the chicks are only 7 weeks old??? Just saying, I never had chicks off light at that age, so mine may have been eating & drinking at night.

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