Nipping Cockerel


Jun 24, 2020
Hi guys, I glance through the forum before posting, but didn't really seem a situation quite the same - although I did get tips to stop the behavior and will be implementing them next time he does it!

I have a 7 week old Japanese Bantam cockerel who has nipped me several times now. It isn't a bite (oh boy definitely not a bite haha) but his beak is definitely open and making contact with my skin gently/briefly. Only on the index finger oddly enough. The first time I thought it was an accident, like he mistook my finger for having a treat or something. However, it has happened a few more times since then, with no treats in hand/sight. It seems to happen when I'm petting other chickens - particularly the other cockerel - honestly, but I don't want to anthopolize jealousy. He's a super friendly boy, loves to be picked up and cuddled/petted, very docile and chill. I don't want to punish him if he's trying to be affectionate or friendly but obviously fingers do not belong in chicken's mouths. He's a bantam, so the damage he can do is limited, but still.

My main concern is, I can't keep him (rooster ban) so I will eventually rehome him. If this behavior is going to escalate to biting or more, I obviously do not want to pass him off, especially not to a family.

Thoughts? Sweet but misguided behavior or the potential to be aggression later on.

Picture of the miscreant for your chicken-loving enjoyment.


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If you are hand feeding him, stop. It could just be looking for treats, or a prelude to aggressive behavior, in which case, don’t allow him into your personal space. Walk twd him and make him move, every time....
If you are hand feeding him, stop. It could just be looking for treats, or a prelude to aggressive behavior, in which case, don’t allow him into your personal space. Walk twd him and make him move, every time....
I'll start paying more attention when I put my hand in there and head him off. I have been just shoving him back with my knuckles/hand back and he seems to take the hint and walks off. Wasn't sure if nipping was a normal teen chicken behavior (like it is in mammals and young parrots) or if it was just going to turn into biting. So many horrible rooster stories.

I usually toss treats. I've discovered I'm mildly allergic to the chickens (or whatever nasty junk is on them), so I stopped handfeeding/hand perching early on.

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