NJ - Sussex County Poultry Fanciers Annual Fall Show


11 Years
Jan 30, 2008
Middletown, NJ
Hi all! The Sussex Country Poultry Fanciers Annual Fall Show is coming up on October 23rd, 2010 in Augusta, NJ at the state fairgrounds. I have the PDF of the show catalog. Entries must be in by October 6th. Last year we had over 900 birds, so make sure you are there this year! Plenty of specials, and more get added right up until the day of the show. Remember, this is the ONLY poultry club left in NJ, so we need everyone's help to keep it going. See you at the show!!
I have looked on & off for over a year now trying to find their website. Do they have one & if so can you put up a link to it? If they don't & have a hard time with the idea of cost perhaps a simple facebook page would do but this way their name would be out there & you could reach so many people that probably don't even know they're there... I had no clue of this organization until I started hearing about you/them here on BYC. Just some thoughts & thanks for any links you can give.
I have looked on & off for over a year now trying to find their website. Do they have one & if so can you put up a link to it? If they don't & have a hard time with the idea of cost perhaps a simple facebook page would do but this way their name would be out there & you could reach so many people that probably don't even know they're there... I had no clue of this organization until I started hearing about you/them here on BYC. Just some thoughts & thanks for any links you can give.

I do the website for the club on shutterfly, but it's only for members and passcoded because we have some pics of juniors on there. When you sign up for membership, the secretary gives me your email, and I send you an invitation. I couldn't get a secure enough site on FB, and with shutterfly you can get prints of everything you see. I realize that being on FB would be easier, but I'd have to be so careful about the juniors info and pics getting on there, and you know how those posts travel.

Anyone who wants membership info, or just a catalog, can email me and I'll forward you one, and/or pass on your contact info to the club secretary.

Thanks! - Mary
I have looked on & off for over a year now trying to find their website. Do they have one & if so can you put up a link to it? If they don't & have a hard time with the idea of cost perhaps a simple facebook page would do but this way their name would be out there & you could reach so many people that probably don't even know they're there... I had no clue of this organization until I started hearing about you/them here on BYC. Just some thoughts & thanks for any links you can give.

I do the website for the club on shutterfly, but it's only for members and passcoded because we have some pics of juniors on there. When you sign up for membership, the secretary gives me your email, and I send you an invitation. I couldn't get a secure enough site on FB, and with shutterfly you can get prints of everything you see. I realize that being on FB would be easier, but I'd have to be so careful about the juniors info and pics getting on there, and you know how those posts travel.

Anyone who wants membership info, or just a catalog, can email me and I'll forward you one, and/or pass on your contact info to the club secretary.

Thanks! - Mary

I understand what you're saying Mary i do, but in a way keeping the web site under lock defeats the purpose of having a web site because you reach so many people. At the time I had gone looking for your club site I was looking for membership information i.e. annual dues who the members were & for a list of calender events. Now if I google the club name some of the events come up but there's still no site for me to go see what the club is all about. People like to see before they join.
I realize that you all want to share pics of events from the past & I agree I'd keep it password protected, but that could actually be kept seperate from a page devoted to a few approved pics of the organization (like chickens/ducks), coming events & membership info. an example is here
http://www.steubencountyfair.org/poultry.htm it's simple & to the point gives when the club was established, The times they meet (more info I'd been looking for originally) along with up coming events. If you want supporters for the events and for the club people have to know you're there. I had no idea the club was even there when I was originally looking for chicks & I was googling word combination I could think of that included Sussex county. I'm not trying to be critical but helpful & it's just a thought because you're right in that it's the last left in NJ & you want people to know about the club & events. Keep the pics & the rest of it like the minutes of the meetings & such password protected.

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