no eggs

Alabama ee

9 Years
Feb 18, 2010
I was getting an egg a day from my EE's since they were 20 weeks to about 2 weeks ago. Then, the eggs almost stopped about 2 weeks ago. Now, I am getting no eggs.
My EE's are about 8 months old now. Have they stopped for the winter? It is not that cold yet here. During the day it is about 80 F.
My Sussex are doing the same thing, I'm really perturbed. One of my hens, born April 2010 had been laying for 2 months, then bam, she is on vacation. Whats going on?
I have found a few extra feathers around. But not that many more. It is mostly the fluffy feathers. Are they too young to molt? They are only 8 months. All their faces and combs are still a bright red.

I so want fresh eggs for breakfast. I am not ready to get the yucky ones in the store.
It is very possible they are going into moult - mine moulted that young, and started with the fluffy feathers. Some moult slower than others, so you don't see huge amounts of feathers all at once. Also, the days are getting shorter - so that impacts how often they lay. It is frustrating to be sure! But I found they all take time off for many reasons. Usually I end up getting store bought to at least use when I need them for baking, and savor the fresh eggs for that omelet!
It's a relief to hear I'm not the only one going through this. I have a March-hatch BR who laid faithfully for over a month who hasn't laid in over a month now.

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