no eggs

Well..those that said molting might have been right. About a week has gone by... Yesterday and today there are feathers everywhere. They do not look like they are loosing feathers, but feathers are all over the ground. It looks like someone had a pillow fight with goose down pillows. Either that or one of them exploded. Any guesses as to when they might start back laying? All have bright red combs. Before they quit, they had only been laying about 4 months.
Ditto here. I never noticed that my BR lost feathers, but two days ago, I noticed she has all these little pinfeathers coming in on her head.

Silly thing, she's only 6 months old.

Hopefully, she'll resume laying soon.
I have not gotten any eggs for weeks now. I finally broke down and bought eggs from the store for the first time in a couple of years. It was depressing and now with all the egg recalls, I want my own fresh eggs!! I really have no idea why "the single ladies" are not laying. They get pleanty of food, water and the weather is beautiful here in Arizona right now.

Who knows... They can be moody lil' thangs.
I had to break down and buy some eggs from the store too . After I made the morning eggs, the kids all asked why they looked so different. They all have gotten used to the brighter colored eggs. Even after putting cheese in the eggs, they do taste a little different too. They are just not as fresh.
im going thru the same thing i got 29 hens and about 6 days ago they all stop laying but then we found 2 eggs yesterday and 2 today do you think it lack of daylight or the cold it got down to 29 a couple of nights
With us here, it is lack of daylight. The days are in the 60's so it is not too cold.
And I thought I was strange going to the coop in my bathrobe and boots. Course at my age I don't care what folks think, never made me richer or poorer for what they thought.

Anyhow my girls let up real bad too, but I put the light in there and the dels are doing great but the other coop not so much. I suspect its' cuz there are to many roos in there and bothering the hens. They gotta go.
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