No Love

I have 6 as well. 3 of them are a few years old and 3 were born in March and now laying. The 3 younger ones are all Cuckoo Marans. None of my girls like to be held or sit on my lap
. They are all pretty friendly though and come running when they see me come out. Usually they are just looking for a treat. I'm always envious when I see those pictures of chickens snuggling up with their owners! Feeding them from your hand helps I think and sitting on the ground at their level. I also have one Cochin who will only eat out of my hand if she is totally desperate for a treat. Some hens just aren't has trusting, like humans! Good luck!
I have 6 as well. 3 of them are a few years old and 3 were born in March and now laying. The 3 younger ones are all Cuckoo Marans. None of my girls like to be held or sit on my lap
. They are all pretty friendly though and come running when they see me come out. Usually they are just looking for a treat. I'm always envious when I see those pictures of chickens snuggling up with their owners! Feeding them from your hand helps I think and sitting on the ground at their level. I also have one Cochin who will only eat out of my hand if she is totally desperate for a treat. Some hens just aren't has trusting, like humans! Good luck!
Thank you for your dry advise. I have a Dog & two Cats who I love dearly.
I don't want to eat my Chickens but enjoy their eggs. I've seen neighbors chickens & some are affectionate and curiously friendly.
I was hoping my birds might be nicer, that is all.
I am not expecting them to act like my house pets but I'd like them to lay me Pink Eggs with Hearts all over them.......
I've made observations from our own 32 chickens, all of different ages. There is a certain period of time between 10 and 20 or so weeks where young chooks go through what I call "the flighty stage". Every one of mine has undergone this phase, even the most loveable. I had a brood of 16 that would not let me handle them for quite a long time during their adolescence, yet they happened to be the most personable group that anybody had ever met as babies. Now, that they are 23 weeks and all are very close to laying, they have become docile, sociable, and outgoing once again. Hopefully, this to shall pass, Arwenelfmaiden. :)

Agreed, I am not a dog lover at all. My birds love me more than any other animal I have ever had. Not only do they come running to see me every time I walk outside, but Alex and my Sicilian Buttercup fly up onto my arm, my GLW and Speckled Sussex climb into my lap for cuddles, the same GLW pullet begs to have me pick her up so that she can stretch her neck over my shoulder to relax, one of my BRs rubs my legs like a cat, and my White Rock and Blue Splash Marans tug at my hair. Friendly girls! :D

Thank you Alexandra33! I'm waiting to enjoy the more changes that keep coming. I don't put any effort into anything alive without caring for its originality & it's life. And its wonderful when your efforts are rewarded, in positive forms.
I can't prove that our chickens love us, but they sure are personable! Arwenelfmaiden, I agree with Alexandra33 and shortgrass: your pullets are likely going through a "flighty phase" and will mellow out around the time they start laying. I've learned to never judge a pullet until it starts laying. In short, there is hope for your chickens, so don't give up on them!

x3 on dogs. I've had just WAY too many bad experiences with them to EVER want one for myself. I think I'll stick with chickens! :cd
I wanted to hear if anyone has had this issue. I have 6 pullets. Born May 5th this year, all 6. I have a Black Copper Marans, a Cuckoo Marans, a Barred Rock, an Orpington, a Silver Laced Wyandotte, and an Easter Egger. I bought them at one day old. I have been so good to them, since chicks, spoiling them with friendliness, attention & goodies. They have a nice Coop, all needs met. They even get out of the pen & free-range every afternoon. I've studied on them but still learning-Rookie. The problem is they are NOT friendly, don't listen, won't let me touch them. It's hurt my feelings because I have invested so much time, care & money for it all to be successful & my efforts be enjoyed. I truly care for them all.
Are there any suggestions that might help. When they were younger they attempted a little friend ship but they always kept their distance. I hope for some advise.
Signed Sad in Hesston.......
I can understand where you're coming from. When you see photos of chickens riding on people's shoulders and hear stories about a very special chicken bonding completely with the family, it can be hard to want that with yours and not get it. Give them a little time. They'll come to you if you don't worry so much about pleasing them and give them some space. They're pretty young yet - just as you are learning to be a chicken owner, they are still learning to be chickens.

I highlighted one phrase in your post that caught my eye, and I wanted to give you a little food for thought. Define "successful". If you don't feel successful because they don't follow you around like spring lambs follow their moms, then that is a problem for you. But if you define "successful" as having healthy chickens who are living in a good, clean environment with plenty to do, the freedom to be chickens, getting a good diet with a few treats tossed in, and who will reward you with delicious eggs and their antics, then you have indeed been very successful. My dad used to tell us "You can't climb to a success point and stop. You have to reach the underside of success and then build on it, little by little. Be satisfied with the small steps because it's the journey that measures the success." I hope you get what you want. But remember that they are just chickens....balls of feather and feet, and it's unfair to ask them for more than they are prepared to give yet.

Good luck!

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