No pasture. UPDATE: never mind!


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2021
Hello. We live in the forest of northern Idaho. Just moved here last summer and are starting all over with homesteading.
We've raised a ton of meat birds before, but have always had pasture. Here, we don't yet have pasture. Just a lot of firs and some small cleared areas for our cabin-in-progress and a small garden.

Can we raise meat birds if we cant move them around in a chicken tractor? We'd like to do two batches of 25 each. Thoughts? Maybe I could move them around the garden. It's 30 x 35, but that seems horribly small to me.
I've raised 20-21 to slaughter age out of a batch of 25 in a 150 sq foot stationary covered run with 6" deep wood chips (from a tree service) as bedding. I turned the wood chips daily to disperse the poo. Used a gutter feeder on one side of the coop and 5 gallon nipple waterers on the other so they had to walk. I wouldn't do it in any smaller of an enclosure.
I forgot to look up other posts and see that I'm not alone. I'm getting plenty of ideas. Sorry!!!

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