noisy, shouty little birdie


5 Years
May 3, 2014
One of my hens will just not SHUT the F*** UP.

She is the screechiest noisiest loudest complainer in the whole world. everything is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this or WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA that. the others dont have this problem and she isn't scared or giving a warning cluck or anything like that it's more of a 'Mummy Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mummy needy' cry.

She is definitely shouting for attention and often stands under the kitchen window crying and wailing up at the house to try to get me to come out and pay some attention and treats. The longer I ignore them the more she wails. It's pissing me off, and it MUST be driving the neighbours insane. It's only the one girl, but it starts as soon as she hears me wake up with her 'wwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa let me out of the coop to free range' cry, then the constant 'it's too cold waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, it's too wet waaaaaaaaaaaaaa, there aren't enough worms waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, you haven't been out to see us in half an hour waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' all the way till bedtime.

is there any way I can get her to be a little less screamy and shouty or are some birds just like that and I have to just hope the neighbours learn to turn their TV up a bit more and ignore her sniping?
Well....if you're absolutely positive she's not ill for some reason, I'd say you have a spoiled little brat on your hands!

I really don't know what to advise you on this...what breed and how old is she?
Some birds are like that. I've had a few that will do that every day for weeks on end.... then stop.
The only for sure cure is....... soup.
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I think she's mostly spoilt brat. love her to bits and she's not I'll she's around two years old and an ex rescue who's been here around 6 months. she's neither top or bottom of the pecking order and she knows she is deeply loved and lucky. she's just a noisy clucker
I think she's mostly spoilt brat. love her to bits and she's not I'll she's around two years old and an ex rescue who's been here around 6 months. she's neither top or bottom of the pecking order and she knows she is deeply loved and lucky. she's just a noisy clucker
It appears that this little rescue has attached herself to you for saving her I'd be loving on her every day and put up with her bwoking morning and night!!
Does she do this when you are in her line of sight or does she do it even when she can't see you?

My bet is that she is vocalizing for your benefit, and she's quiet when you're out of her sight.

I have a six-year old SLW Alice who has the screechiest, most corrosive vocalizing and it just grates on your nerves and ears. The entire time I'm in the run, she circles around me, doing this vocalizing. The only time she's quiet is when she doesn't see me or if I'm holding her with her head tucked in my arm.

That should tell you something.
Hi there

I have a middle-of-the-pecking-order gal who is always having a bad day. Even at 05:10am she lets me know that she is not having a good day and that it is just going to get worse!

I really do not know how to advise you on this either but this is a fun thread that will hopefully make you feel better in the knowledge that you are not alone

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