Norman the Rooster

That's great Norma is laying so well! This time of year it seems everyone is complaining about the lack of eggs. Norma is great!
Congrats on the new relationship QueenMisha, I wish you both well.

I love the ‘Security’
LOVE the photos Queen Misha,  and  yes you have been gone too long at the fair.   You're forgiven. 

Thank you Diva. :)

This is like the cutest picture I have ever seen.

They are adorable are they not? I love holding the two of them at once - they just cuddle up to each other on my lap, it's the cutest thing ever.

That's great Norma is laying so well! This time of year it seems everyone is complaining about the lack of eggs. Norma is great!

Yep! Heck at home I'm getting maybe 6-12 eggs a day from 80+ mature hens. Granted only 50 of those are any sort of decent laying breed, but still!

What type of comb does Norman have?

The security patch is cute. Did you make him something so he could wear it?

Norman's comb in basically the result of pea X single, so heterozygote pea comb. I'm glad it turned out as small as it did - a lot of hetero pea combs do NOT turn out quite so cute. Most tend to get real big and flop over one eye - many Easter Egger roos are examples of this.

It actually came as a bandana type thing, with a Velcro strap in front. It fits perfectly beneath his wings and around his breast! He doesn't seem to mind it at all.

Are you incubating any eggs?

Not at the moment - I plan on attempting AI sometime next week and will hopefully set some after that.

Congrats on the new relationship QueenMisha, I wish you both well. 

I love the ‘Security’ :love

x 2 Teila       :love

Thank you both. :)
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My EE/orp cockerels have what looks to be a rose comb. Doesn't look too bad. I want to sell them though. They are a little more dominate than my orp cockerels.
I have been neglecting this thread for far too long. Apologies, everyone. Real life has been so terribly distracting as of the past month - to be completely honest, I recently got into a relationship with someone and I've been spending a lot of time with her, so that's my main excuse as to my absence. Beyond that, my darned big coop at home keeps flooding and getting nasty and between constant cleaning and repairs I haven't had a lot of time for BYC. I'm hoping to do a major cleaning and some repairs on it tomorrow, hopefully that will take a good amount of work off my plate.

Norman and Norma have been doing quite well. I continue to be astounded by Norma's laying ability. She has been laying nonstop since about 3 weeks after I got her and she consistently gives me no fewer then 4 eggs every single week. That's even right now, with only 8 hours of daylight (indoors - shop hours and as such lights on averages 7-9 hours a day) and in temps ranging from 30-50 degrees. Most of my PRODUCTION birds aren't even laying right now.

Also, check this out - I picked it up at a thrift store recently and it fits Norman PERFECTLY!

And some other photos of our favorite birds.

Thanks for the update and it's nice you have a life outside of BYC.
I love the pics and especially of the two of them togeather in your arms. I see Norman is still growing his feathers out he's had such a hard molt. Poor baby. I'm sure Norman will get the job done when he's over all the molting. I love the little security badge he wears it proudly too. Take care and have a nice day.
I have been neglecting this thread for far too long. Apologies, everyone. Real life has been so terribly distracting as of the past month - to be completely honest, I recently got into a relationship with someone and I've been spending a lot of time with her, so that's my main excuse as to my absence. Beyond that, my darned big coop at home keeps flooding and getting nasty and between constant cleaning and repairs I haven't had a lot of time for BYC. I'm hoping to do a major cleaning and some repairs on it tomorrow, hopefully that will take a good amount of work off my plate.

Norman and Norma have been doing quite well. I continue to be astounded by Norma's laying ability. She has been laying nonstop since about 3 weeks after I got her and she consistently gives me no fewer then 4 eggs every single week. That's even right now, with only 8 hours of daylight (indoors - shop hours and as such lights on averages 7-9 hours a day) and in temps ranging from 30-50 degrees. Most of my PRODUCTION birds aren't even laying right now.

I understand. We had a storm roll through and I lost the roof off of my Ameruacanas coop. Poor things, one had a piece of roof structure on top of her
. Everyone has since recovered but I still have been locking everyone up to be safe.

That's awesome that Norma has good laying traits, hopefully her progeny carry on that trait.

I understand how life gets in the way or other things. Though you are also having to repair some things it sounds like you're on the up.
Best of luck to you and your girlfriend.

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