North Carolina

Aww Matt so sorry about JJ, I am sure his life was wonderful with you. It's always so hard when we lose them..
So sorry Matt
I am glad you were able to enjoy his company for the time you had.

Vfem.........he is quite a handsome'll like him
.......Beth has such nice birds!!!!!

So glad your mom liked the plants Beth
........will have to find her some more

Sure hope Mary checks in soon with a WCA update

...........hate missing the fun but got to get things done on weekends

and it's ONLY two days long
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I am so worried! I don't think I can ever so straight run again! I've got 9 almost 5 week old chicks and it's killing me trying to figure it out
Well... WCA was alot shorter today... than it had been in over a month. There was about 400 boxes. Pygmy goats, a pair of huge pot-bellied pigs, 3 male peacocks, 20 or so bunnies (all kinds), a load of ducks, a trio of white call ducks, a pair of ring teal ducks (sold for $40 each), a few Guineas, a royal palm turkey pair, a few dozen eggs, a load of Geese, some young turkeys, quite a few silkie pairs (mostly white), silkie chicks, Cages, chicken wire, chain link fencing, a huge metal cage on wheels, and of course chickens of all different kinds of varieties.

It was over before 6pm. Can you believe it??

I bought 2 female Guineas, the chain link fencing, a supposedly "Rare" chocolate silkie chick, and 13 partridge silkie chicks. I will be selling some of the partridge silkies when they get big enough to tell what is male/female.... if anyone might be interested???

"Hershey".... my chocolate silkie.


13 partridge silkies....


My little Golden Feather Mille Fleur Belgium D'uccle chicks that hatched out this morning. There were 5 that made it through the hatch.


And here is some of my older chickadees...
I have 6 Golden Sebrights.

6 Silver Sebrights.

5 Porcelain Old English Game Bantams.

2 Porcelain Belgium D'uccle.

3 Blue Feather Mille Fleur Belgium D'uccle.

5 tiny Serama.

Mary Ruth, I'm SO EXCITED to see your Sebright babies! I just set some Silvers and some goldens yesterday!!!!!

I would be interested in a pair or a trio of those partridge silkies once you are able to sex them. I come to Raleigh pretty often - do you?

I would be happy to trade you a male guinea or two, as an option.
Good Monday Morning everyone!!
Beautiful chickies Mary!!

Matt -
I am so sorry for your loss. We all know that JJ was well loved and even though his time was short, he had a great life. You are a great chicken "daddy"!!

Nothing going on here...just a lot of cooking/baking/prepping while the incubator is counting down. I made it through the ANY DAY now, I would NOT complain!! Funny note: I texted my mother (who is completely inept at texting mind you) to share with her the news that our DD has successfully gone potty on her own twice now, and she wanted to tell "me-me" (which is what she calls my mother). I get a panicked phone call from her shouting, "You're in labor? I'm on my way!" (She lives in Ohio) After I stopped laughing hysterically, I felt the need to tell her that should I ever go into labor I would NOT be texting her, as I know she a) can't read her phone without her glasses which she never seems to have and b) would be nice enough to give her an actual call!!
You'd think this was her first grandchild....not her 7th (I'm only responsible for 1.5 of those - my brother & sister are responsible for the rest...that is until the other .5 makes it's debut)!!

Happy hatching everyone, and post LOTS of pictures when you can!!


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