North Carolina

If you can afford one, buy a GQF Hovabator, which is pre-set, digital and easy to use. Also buy a turner, it will save you a lot of time........ Any questions feel free to pm me.....

I just bought the Genesis 1588 Hovabator. It is AWESOME. All digital and simple...just plug it in. I ordered it right from GQF, with turner and shipping $198. Plus I got 30 Bob White Quail eggs free.

HIGHLY RECOMMEND this incubator.
Let me second (third?) the hovabator. And I'll go one step further and advise you against getting its look-alike little brother, the Little Giant. They may seem comparable at first and the Little Giant is more common in feed stores at least around here, but having had two LG and two (soon to be three) hovabators, I have just gotten rid of one LG and am only keeping the other cause I would feel bad selling it to someone--it's that bad. Of course, I also have a Brinsea and those are fantastic, but the hovabator Genesis with a built in hydrometer will treat you well and give you excellent hatches if you give it good eggs.

And congrats on raising a very wise soon to be six-year old! I like the way he thinks!

Family Boat Trip was awesome!

Here.... my youngest son, Jonathan... at the front of the boat... was amusing us by singing into his fishing pole like it was a microphone. Which made my older son, Joshua, giggle.

They are so silly... but I love them to pieces!

On another note... we had some baby turkeys hatch out this morning.

Our lone little Chukar is trying to figure out what they are... LoL

Here's our Bantam chicks... ( Mille Fleur D'uccle, Serama, some OEGB )

Hubby's chicks.... ( Sex Links, Americaunas, & Game Chicks )

Ducklings... ( 1 Pekin & 2 Mallard )

My Partridge Silkie Chicks.

My Little Greenhouse

Hubby mowed the grass... the yard looks good

Loving this weather!
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Glad you and your family had fun Mary. Hows the fishing there from the bank of the lake?

Great pictures everyone.

A cookout sounds great Hollowoak! Always love meeting new chicken people and their babies
My stock tank has been removed and I am the happy owner of BCM eggs! Yay! I hope CoopScoopBoogie is as happy with her end of the deal as I am. Got to meet her hubby and daughter as well, which was fun.

Now to find someone who wants to trade me a good incubator for wool processing equipment! I need to find a chicken-and-sheep forum! chicks out of egg, with seven more pipped. Still moving along. I didn't candle these, so no telling how many I'll get. I'll check them later this evening.
The same folks that run this forum also run the above forum. You might try posting over there and see if you can make a trade. You will need to do the new member thing again.

Good luck!

The same folks that run this forum also run the above forum. You might try posting over there and see if you can make a trade. You will need to do the new member thing again.

Good luck!


Scott, Thanks! (Looks like you do post now and then, eh?)

And now I see why you asked me what kind of pigeons I wanted. What kind do you have?
I went and joined the Backyard Herds forum. Not as much traffic there, I don't think. We shall see if anyone is interested.....

I hardly slept last night, so don't know how long I'll be staying at WCA today. I've got to be able to think at work on Monday.
But we'll be there, with only one turkey, since one has gone to live with either ramirezframing or Coop Scoop, I'm not sure which! I'll not be bringing any chicks. This is my first hatch with other than buffs, and I find I can't tell the blues and blacks apart for sure. They'll have to wait until they feather a bit before the surplus goes. And only two are buffs, so I don't want to take them by themselves.

I should have pulled the non-fertile eggs much sooner.
This will be the worst hatch I've ever had. Probably a third not fertile (what Are those boys doing out there!?) and another third began to develop but stopped. I've not had so many do that before. Still a few left that should hatch, including that lone turkey egg, but several full eggs show no signs of pipping.

I want better luck with my BCM eggs!!!

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