North Carolina

Any one heard from New Homesteader today? wonder if she is in labor?

One could only hope, but alas that has not been the case!! I went out shopping (getting shavings & mulch) and spending much of the day blowing bubbles with DD and working on mulching our trees. Tomorrow we plan to completely clean out the coop and replace all the shavings (hopefully all this work will induce labor) and tomorrow night we pick my mother up at the airport, so now that she's here...the baby will arrive in May or something.
Thank you for checking on me though!!
Evening folks...........good to see all had a good day so far.

All.....sorry to hear you aren't feeling well yet and sure hope those ducks hatch for you, cute chicks too.

NH.......that was so sweet of you to help the neighbor......he is lucky to have you all for neighbors, hope you get the land.

Wild......CUTE squirrels!!!!! the coop. Are you going to paint it????? what color?????

Nice to meet you TomTom
One could only hope, but alas that has not been the case!! I went out shopping (getting shavings & mulch) and spending much of the day blowing bubbles with DD and working on mulching our trees. Tomorrow we plan to completely clean out the coop and replace all the shavings (hopefully all this work will induce labor) and tomorrow night we pick my mother up at the airport, so now that she's here...the baby will arrive in May or something.
Thank you for checking on me though!!

Well, I for one am glad to hear you haven't popped with your MIL not there.... You'll need the rest. Then you'll need more rest again when she leaves! hahahaha

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