North Carolina

Congratulations HT!!

Okay so I think I did a VERY bad thing?!? I cleaned out the coop, put fresh bedding down and DH rearranged the roosts & nesting boxes to make cleaning easier in the future. Since the chickens (aside from Broody momma hen who didn't leave during the cleaning her nesting box is still dirty) have been reintroduced to their updated home, I have had a problem. For the past 2 hours now, Alpha rooster, Jeremy, has been doing nothing but chasing and attacking the other rooster, Timmy. I thought with all the commotion that a predator had snuck in and went out to find Timmy hiding in the nesting box with momma broody (who was growling and making her protest known). I go to leave when Jeremy "drags" Timmy out and chases him around the coop, into the run and corners him. Timmy NEVER fights back, but just runs away and tries to hide.

Aside from culling one of them, is there anything I can do? Is this sudden aggression because of the rearrangement? Could the weather be causing his aggression or the fact that we have a broody? He is completely fine with the ladies and is sweet to me (I don't handle him though, so by sweet, I mean he follows me around enough to see if I have any treats for him and then leaves me alone if I don't. He also ignores DD, so that makes me happy). Do you have any suggestions/ideas/anything? Thank you in advanced!!
glad to meet you

your birds are pretty

I think I see a rumpless EE which could mean she is an Araucana or
Araucana cross but would still lay the blue eggs or a greenish tint egg.
I love mine.

We started out with BRs......nice birds.


The one EE could be rumpless or she could be feather picked as well. We have one of our EEs that is tailess because of being picked at. I think she is the one who is on the bottom of the pecking order.
Anyone want a RIR Roo? I'll get rid of them cheap! If we can't get rid of them we will be eating them. Does anyone know where we can take them in the Fayetteville area?
We picked up our first chickens today!

What we intended to pick up were 3 barred Plymouth rocks and 1 EE (OK, they were called Ameraucana, but I'm hedging my bets since I never could really figure out how to tell the difference
). What we actually came home with was 3 barred rocks and 2 EEs. One of the EEs has a crossed beak - hubby is calling it a bonus bird since she was free. She eats and drinks just fine...just about the only problem I saw her have today was in trying to catch an ant with the rest of the chickens. Mostly she just scared the ant really badly. We're not free-ranging, so I think she'll do fine.

I took some pictures while they were settling in (it's surprisingly hard to get a picture of a young chicken!) The EE's were hatched in mid-January and the barred rocks were hatched at the end of January.

They were REALLY excited about the ants. I foresee a sharp drop off in the ant population.

Mostly I got pictures of butts. Lots of feathered butts.

Look! An ANT! (Cue Pink Panther Theme: dead ant, dead ant, dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant, dead aaaaant)

Food and water hanging under the tree. They get it to spinning and then walk in circles trying to follow it!

ETA: I know it looks like their run is just chain link fence, but we've wrapped the entire thing chicken wire as well. I tried to get a picture but couldn't get the camera to focus well enough. No holes big enough to let curious chicken heads through or grasping predators either!

oh the memories that brings back.

Pretty birds

Went out spent more money, came home had a short nap. Put away a months worth of chicken feed and horse feed. Really needed to work on the page long TO DO list, but went over to a friends house to munch on a smoked "corned "ham. Delicious, but have never heard of it or had it before. Anyone?
Went to a friend's house to pick up a bird for another friend and maybe 1 or 2 for myself....What winds up in my car when I leave? 10 birds...LOL Though 8 only made it home (dropped 2 off at other friends) - LOL

Gotta love that chicken math!

The one EE could be rumpless or she could be feather picked as well. We have one of our EEs that is tailess because of being picked at. I think she is the one who is on the bottom of the pecking order.

I think she's just had her feathers yanked - we got the two smallest so they'd be closer in size to the barred rocks, who are almost two weeks younger, so I'd bet she was getting picked on.
I love this thread! I get so much info from you all, but I wonder if we would move along a lot easier if we didn't "quote" what we are answering.....maybe just preface each point with the member's name. It just takes up a lot of space and makes it hard to follow. It's confusing and I don't like to feel like I missed anything....but I'm sure I do.

I had a disappointing day five runner ducks were not hatching. When we were one day past time, I opened the bator, and found that two of them were oozing black gooey stuff. I quickly wrapped them all up in a towel and took them outside. I was so sad. I hope it wasn't something I did wrong. I had removed one other egg, about a week and a half earlier, that was oozing brown stuff. :( I was really looking forward to hatching these ducks.

Meanwhile, I have guineas, some Dominique eggs, some Barred Rock eggs and some Chinese Ringneck Pheasant eggs all in bators right now. WHOOP!

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