North Carolina

ours crow all day long....they start around 5 am and keep it up till dusk.......and my neighbors loves em

Same with my three. They crow more if they can't see the girls. And in the morning, it's a regular symphony.

Off to a busy day myself. Of course it is raining and I will be dragging the whole gang with me.

Supposed to go to a Back to School pool party with our Church Youth Group tomorrow night... hope it does not storm.

Chicks are hatching
I LOVE hatch days !! Best part is they are not mine, so no worries about adding to the flock.....well maybe 1 or 2.
Hooray for hatching chicks!!!

Soon to be moving from NM. Overall, it's a good thing, but I am really, really, really, really sad to have to rehome all my kids.
Once we get settled permanently, I'll get to grow a new flock, but I'm sure going to miss my girlies. The boys- not so much.
We have about another week with them, but I'm working on rehoming the boys asap. I had really hoped to move them all, but it's just not going to work out. Boo. Did I mention we are sad to leave our girls?
Sorry you will be rehoming your girls but we will be glad to meet you

Welcome to NC

Soon to be moving from NM. Overall, it's a good thing, but I am really, really, really, really sad to have to rehome all my kids.
Once we get settled permanently, I'll get to grow a new flock, but I'm sure going to miss my girlies. The boys- not so much.
We have about another week with them, but I'm working on rehoming the boys asap. I had really hoped to move them all, but it's just not going to work out. Boo. Did I mention we are sad to leave our girls?

Your sig line says "yarnie"! Are you also on Ravelry?
Safe travels in your move. What part of NC are you coming to?
Good Morning, Everyone!

Another lovely soft day out there today! Heard the rain in the night, but it's not raining this morning and the chickens were loving it when I let them out.

Have a great day, everyone!
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Good Morning everyone!! I am super excited and also sad. Had little sleep due to the wee one being sick BUT my wonderful husband surprised me this morning by beginning work on my CHEESE PRESS!! By the end of the day I may be working on making my first ever home-made raw cheese!!
I am so excited, and nervous. I will definitely be doing some research today, as I know sheep's milk is not the same as cow's milk when it comes to making cheese. Hey, it works great in Europe, so it just HAS to work for me, right?!? LOL This will be another great "science" lesson for my kids when they start school in the coming years!!
Chicken hatch: We were up to 7 chicks as of last night, but sadly the latest one to hatch (#7) did not make it. He/She was found dead next to mama this morning, and mama was VERY upset...she kept nudging it, almost as if she was telling it to get up!! She was not happy about us taking it from her either!!
She still has 6 more eggs!!
Good Morning everyone!! I am super excited and also sad. Had little sleep due to the wee one being sick BUT my wonderful husband surprised me this morning by beginning work on my CHEESE PRESS!! By the end of the day I may be working on making my first ever home-made raw cheese!!
I am so excited, and nervous. I will definitely be doing some research today, as I know sheep's milk is not the same as cow's milk when it comes to making cheese. Hey, it works great in Europe, so it just HAS to work for me, right?!? LOL This will be another great "science" lesson for my kids when they start school in the coming years!!
Chicken hatch: We were up to 7 chicks as of last night, but sadly the latest one to hatch (#7) did not make it. He/She was found dead next to mama this morning, and mama was VERY upset...she kept nudging it, almost as if she was telling it to get up!! She was not happy about us taking it from her either!!
She still has 6 more eggs!!
So sorry about the upset momma, and chick, but happy to here about the cheese press! I would love to be on your Christmas list (for cheese)!!

I really hope the little one gets t feeling better soon. If we are sick it is one thing, but our children is another.
I hope her sores are improving, and not itchy...

We will be prying for you the little one.
So sorry about the upset momma, and chick, but happy to here about the cheese press! I would love to be on your Christmas list (for cheese)!!

I really hope the little one gets t feeling better soon. If we are sick it is one thing, but our children is another.
I hope her sores are improving, and not itchy...

We will be prying for you the little one.
Thank you so much for your kind prayers!! They are much appreciated especially since we don't know what it is (just what it isn't!!). I don't know if this is a good thing or not, but the blisters have "popped" and seem to be healing. She seems to "feel" fine, so I am trying hard not to worry (but I am a mom, and worry isn't something I give up on lightly..LOL)
As for being on my cheese list...I will definitely take volunteers to be my taste testers!!
You just need to sign a waver that if I kill you somehow that I am not liable!!
I'll let you know when I have made a few blocks and invite you over for a sample party!!
After that, you can decide if you still want to be on my list or not!! HAHA!!

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