North Carolina

Any tips on processing a duck?
We did one and DH skinned it so it really wasn't that good.
I've never plucked anything before.
We're going out of town, so I've got to process 15 of them today.
I've been googling videos on it, but everyone seems to have one of those high powered professional pluckers or copious amounts of paraffin wax? Is there a trick to doing it by hand?
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I haven't been on in a while. I've been busy with hatching some Lavender Orpingntons and Spanish Black Turkeys. Got NPIP certified, expanding pastures...Whew! Just picked up 8 Gold Laced Wyandotte chicks at Shooks Poultry yesterday. Honestly, I only went there for feed, but the little ones wanted to go home with us.
would you be willing to part with one of your lav orp chicks
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Both of the border collies are too smart for their own good (s). They can both open house and other doors. This one blew out both cruciate ligaments in her knees (both knees) at the same time. Vet was like, "instead of spending $1,500 a knee, why don't we explain to her she needs to be immobile first" and it actually worked. But on the flip side, she won't stop barking at and chasing the horses, and one of these days, running inbetween vehicle tires on the road is going to get her.

And to top off my stellar day, one of my daughter's fish died. She carried the guinea parts back to the house and buried it. *sigh*

What a rotten day indeed :(
I hope your Sunday is at least a little better! :(
And here is the turkey project.

Turkeys OMG u been busy guy since I last saw U

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