North Carolina

it's really funny, for the last 2 nights when we've gone out to close the door they have been out in the run. they won't go out in the day, but are going out at night. i can't figure that out.
Sounds like they were bred with part-owl!!
I'd LOVE to be home sitting on a deck or working in the garden,
playing with the critters BUT I'm still a working girl SO I have to
dress for work and weather.......not always an easy thing to do.

And yes......I'm loving the warm day.
I wish you could too! Although I really missed it when they said I had to go out on disability..was a teacher in middle school teaching...Yea, I still missed it ! I have something similar to Parkinsons. Bad balance problem which means this very independent nature of mine has to depend a lot on DH and friends and family. I have the sweetest DH, he just doesn't care for a lot of animals..LOL Got some of my small plants in the pot today on the deck and somewhat cleaned out my "farm Explorer. That just means I carry everything from my grands to chicken feed, to wood for the fireplace! LOL
It's been awhile since I've been on, we've been very busy. I hope everyone is good. I had a question concerning my year old BR. When she poos it drips down to her fluf and stays there. I've had to clean her bottom a few times. I have given her yogurt, vinegar in her water, monitor her food, kept coop and water supply clean. I checked for worms but not seeing anything. Help!!

* graphic pic*
It's been awhile since I've been on, we've been very busy. I hope everyone is good. I had a question concerning my year old BR. When she poos it drips down to her fluf and stays there. I've had to clean her bottom a few times. I have given her yogurt, vinegar in her water, monitor her food, kept coop and water supply clean. I checked for worms but not seeing anything. Help!!

* graphic pic*
To save from washing everyday you could just trim the feathers.
Good morning folks

It was such a pretty day yesterday and today is more
of the same but warmer yet. Days like that kills me to
be at work and not getting things done around home
and garden. One of the grandbabies is doing a school
project with growing some cabbage. This should be
fun and can't wait until she has to deal with those dang
pesky worms that be a pain on least
the hens will get some good treats.

hope everyone has a good day
i think i've figured out why my new 5 mo. old hens only go out in the run at night. they were secluded in a separate room away from the grownups who were all outside when i bought them. there were lights in the room as there were chicks in there as well. i bet the owner let them out in the yard at night when the others went in. could it be that that is just what they are accustomed to? and i ask again, in case some new folks are reading, is there a way i can get them to go out during the day? yesterday they were panting, and pushing each other out of a spot where some water had spilled bc they wanted to lay in the cool patch.

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