North Carolina

1 st day of school for my kids...................... WHY do they think they need to be up at 4AM>>>>>>>>>
To see how tired mom is at 04darkthirty?
Have fun

Hey all --

I'm having the worst luck with roosters this year - 2 of 7 ended up being roos. I don't suppose anyone would want a speckled sussex or a polish?

I'm just outside of downtown Durham so I know my neighbors won't want them.

I'm just north of you in Franklinton if you want to bring them to me. I'll be happy to take extra roosters.
What in the world do you do with all of the rehomed roos? I've got at least one EE that's got all the roo markings that I will have to rehome....

Around here roosters are very welcome. They are my yard birds. They eat bugs, scratch, prance in front of penned hens, and generally live a good bachelor life. I feed my dogs a raw diet and when I get a big collection of roosters and have the freezer space then I put them in the freezer for the dogs at a later date. They get a good life until they go in the freezer and there is no fighting. :)
What in the world do you do with all of the rehomed roos? I've got at least one EE that's got all the roo markings that I will have to rehome....
waiting to hear them start to crow...with no neighbors close enough to care, I'll get them a little size on them..they are about 10 wks now.... Wish I had known, I gave away 2 beautiful BCM roos who were free ranging here and doing well...Just didn't want to start down the hatching thing again...rather have egg laying pullets if I'm going to feed them. I couldn't do the processing thing...did that as a child..not good memories sooooo....
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waiting to hear them start to crow...with no neighbors close enough to care, I'll get them a little size on them..they are about 10 wks now.... Wish I had known, I gave away 2 beautiful BCM roos who were free ranging here and doing well...Just didn't want to start down the hatching thing again...rather have egg laying pullets if I'm going to feed them. I couldn't do the processing thing...did that as a child..not good memories sooooo....

Double A is an excellent teacher...she taught all my kids how to process chickens..... My15yr old daughter is a pro now and even helped in the last processing class.
I have two ameracauna Roos, I don't need. One is wheaten and the other is blue wheaten. The blue wheaten is somewhat small compared to the others but I'm hoping he gets a little bigger when full grown. I'm not breeding blue wheatens anyway, just wheatens. I will post some photos tomorrow. $10 for the wheaten and $8 for the blue. I can also do a trade for BCM pullet or roo.
Good morning folks

Well today starts the third route and the roads will be filled
with yellow buses so be careful out there. I know there will
be some drivers and kids who don't know where the stops
are and it will be hectic the first few days while bus loads get
adjusted so they aren't over crowded. It will all work out for
the good with time so all you moms and dads just be patient
and give it a chance.....just like we all do with our chickens.

hope everyone has a good day

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