North Carolina


It sure does look like he has some pointy saddle feathers to go with that strut! :/



Ok.... Approximately 14 week old Australorp. I'm really hoping female. Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
Help please! My wyandonette mix rooster is "snoring" like gurgling while he's sleeping and taking REaLLY long deep breaths ( I can see his beak open every time he breathes) what the heck is wrong? What can I do?
Question. It seems that I'm having another run of bad luck. I'm not sure if this has happened or not but my cat was under our kitchen cabinet playing with my leg. Well I forgot DH had put a container of d con underneath there. She wasn't in that same place as the d con but I'm terrified she may have gotten into it. I took it out and shook it and she acted like she wasn't interested in it and there were no bite or claw marks on the cardboard container it came in. I just threw it out. How would I know if she did? I googled it but the answers varies so much. :( I have to be at work in like 45 minutes. I'm so worried about her. :( especially since my luck has been running bad lately.
Question. It seems that I'm having another run of bad luck. I'm not sure if this has happened or not but my cat was under our kitchen cabinet playing with my leg. Well I forgot DH had put a container of d con underneath there. She wasn't in that same place as the d con but I'm terrified she may have gotten into it. I took it out and shook it and she acted like she wasn't interested in it and there were no bite or claw marks on the cardboard container it came in. I just threw it out. How would I know if she did? I googled it but the answers varies so much. :( I have to be at work in like 45 minutes. I'm so worried about her. :( especially since my luck has been running bad lately.

It causes internal bleeding. No way to tell without a vet trip. Vit K injection is usually given to help stop bleeding
D-Con and other poisons like that literally liquefy organs and everything, killing the rodent. If she ate any, you'd know very soon. If there weren't any claw or bite marks I would hope that she didn't try to eat any.
Ok everybody, I really need some advice. We are getting serious here lol. I have ordered my girls
(8 hens) from a breeder, she keeps them til they are pullet stage. So I will be picking them up in September. Need some advice on the run floor. I live in the Piedmont Triad region just west of Winston-Salem. Our lot has a gentle slope where we are planning the coop, just enough for good drainage. However our lot is really rocky. I mean REAAAAAALy rocky
. DH is not going to do any digging, it is impossible, so we are building up with cinder blocks over either welded wire fencing or hardware cloth to prevent predators. My question is what to fill the run with? Our dirt as you can see (pics below) is red, and gets really muddy. We are situating the coop back in the woods as far as possible to eliminate the red mud factor. I had thought sand, but read that if you have a lot of humidity it doesn't work so well. We thought about filling a bit with crushed run gravel then topping off with mulch or straw, want (as I am sure everyone does) what will work best at keeping the run as dry and odor free as possible. Our situation does not allow for full time free ranging, may be able to let them out a little when we are there with them but not much. Any suggestions appreciated, here are a couple of pics of our site, Nothing whatsoever grows on the mud on the side as you can see

That's great, Rainbowchick! We're practically neighbors. If you know of anyone local that may have a few hatching eggs they wouldn't mind selling, please let me know. I recently lost most of my flock to a raccoon....would like to incubate some eggs... Nice hearing from you! Roxie

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