North Carolina

For those of us in NC we are trying to fight this mandate. If your on FB check out no to the NC chicken registration page. We are concerned that we will be loosing a lot of control and rights by registering our flocks!

I want to keep my chickens safe, and am afraid the state will come in on their own terms
For those of us in NC we are trying to fight this mandate. If your on FB check out no to the NC chicken registration page. We are concerned that we will be loosing a lot of control and rights by registering our flocks!

I want to keep my chickens safe, and am afraid the state will come in on their own terms
Have already signed the petition, and I definitely agree with you. It's one thing to have things in place to keep our flock safe, but another for the state and/or government intervene and allowed to do what they please. "Registration before confiscation". Such a sad state that this country is heading towards...
Finally in the new house, still Kore to move including two greenhouses, the chicken pens and a ton of trees and shrubs. Lots of room to spread out, 46 acres to be exact, lots to do!

Had some help sexing some young chickens, coop scoop and ramerizeframing came by and showed me some tips. Too bad most of the young are roos....looks like lots of pastry and chicken salad in my future.

Anyone around Fayetteville looking landscaping or plants/trees a note. Nursery, chickens, bees, honey...and expanding!!!
Let me put it this way: I'll register my pets when I finally decide to register my guns... which is never.
Put very well, SemperChicken. I feel exactly the same.

How was this passed and signed off on with no word of it in the news? We've had not outbreaks here. There is no emergency.
Put very well, SemperChicken.  I feel exactly the same.  

How was this passed and signed off on with no word of it in the news?  We've had not outbreaks here.  There is no emergency.

Have you checked out the "No to NC Registration" Facebook page? They've been fighting this and having a lawyer work on their behalf. Apparently, which I still don't agree on because you're right we haven't had an outbreak in our state, is that the order fell under some "emergency" ruling. The state also hasn't designated punishment for non compliance because they are hoping everyone will be "voluntarily compliant"... Which, hate to break it to them, is not the case.

Here's the article showing the attorney's press release:

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