North Carolina

I agree! Other than being somewhat of a predator alert for the hens, their benefits don't really outweigh their aggravation. I rotate my roosters because I hate keeping them penned up all the time. I try to give them about a week rotation in and out. I can usually have about 2-3 out at a time without disturbing the peace too much, but there is always about an hour of fussing when I switch one out before they settle back down and behave.
Greetings,does anyone have -any- Large Fowl Buff laced polish for sale? Hatching eggs, chicks, juveniles, adults that arent too old would be welcome. Located in Fayetteville, willing to drive a couple of hours. I bought eggs to hatch for my husband as an anniversary present, and there was zero fertility. HELP!!
I agree! Other than being somewhat of a predator alert for the hens, their benefits don't really outweigh their aggravation. I rotate my roosters because I hate keeping them penned up all the time. I try to give them about a week rotation in and out. I can usually have about 2-3 out at a time without disturbing the peace too much, but there is always about an hour of fussing when I switch one out before they settle back down and behave.
Yep, I hear ya! They are a mess. I am trying to get rid of 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 1 Lavender Orpington, and 1 Buff orpington. NOBODY WANTS ROOSTERS!!! Yet I don't have the heart to kill the poor things. I just have them all in with my 30 hens along with the 4 roosters I am planning on keeping. They are fighting alot. I currently have one buff orp out running free in the yard cause the others were beating up on him too much. Poor guys.
Hello there!

I'm in FAAARR North Western NC - right where TN, VA and NC meet.

I plan on raising Auburn Javas for fun, eggs, meat and to help establish this color variation in the breed.

I am looking for Auburn Java breeders as I am planning on getting chicks this coming spring. Starting with about 15 birds. Are there any Auburn Java breeders in NC? Or in reasonable proximity in TN or VA?

I have started getting my infrastructure together: chickshaw, feeder, waterer, broody box, feed, electric Premier 1 fence, etc.... some I have, most I still have to acquire. :) I've done a lot of research, mostly on YouTube. Joel Salatin, Justin Rhodes and many others.

I will be pasturing my birds with fenced rotation on my small flat front yard. I've about 2 acres total but almost all of it is extremely steep and wooded. I'll make choices about modifying that after I get some time with these birds under my belt ;) I'm aiming at permaculturing.

I have also learned quite a lot from reading posts, opinions and information in numerous threads and topics in these for a over the last several years!

I'm looking forward to learning more and pairing experience with knowledge, AND eating some of my own raised eggs and chickens.

Blessings to you all!
Well I guess the neighbor thought I was joking about his dogs. He found out last Sat when I shot and killed 2 of 3. Animal control and sheriff dept. said that I was totally justified for shooting and killing them as we are allowed to protect our livestock from predators and other animals. Since then the last dog has been kept on leash and away from fence. That is the main one that has killed and harassed my chickens. While talking to authorities, that dog kept trying to come back through the fence. I told them if it did I would kill it and they just shrugged their shoulders and said you gotta do what you gotta do. Thought that was cool of them. It's a shame that I had to do this as I love pets, but they need to be controlled/trained in my opinion. This has been an on going problem with them since they moved in. I have tried to fix any holes in mine or his fences. Finally got to a tipping point. I have lost about 4 birds to them. We'll see how long this lull lasts. Ok rant over, thanks for listening.

Sad, but you did the right thing imo.
It's sad that the animals have to suffer in order to draw attention to their owner's irresponsibility and lack of respect towards other people.

So my NC peeps, how are y'all liking this heat? Just kidding, I know some are sensitive to that topic.

Wow, I haven't been on here in a while.
I just got an alert on my phone that we are under a heat advisory today from 12 - 8 pm. That's the first one so far. Must mean we're going to be a little hotter although I don't know how. When I changed my chicks water after work yesterday it felt like it had come out of the hot water heater.. First time ever I've been looking forward to fall
I just got an alert on my phone that we are under a heat advisory today from 12 - 8 pm.  That's the first one so far.  Must mean we're going to be a little hotter although I don't know how.  When I changed my chicks water after work yesterday it felt like it had come out of the hot water heater..  First time ever I've been looking forward to fall

I've had heat advisories for the last 4 days. Coming from NM, I will say that this heat is not as taxing as I've had in the past. I don't have but a few panting off and on, and it's been the ducks {so I'm like, get in your pool already!}, but it always bears watching.

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