North Carolina

On my drive back from florida I SWEAR I saw Bigfoot.
It's crazy what you see when you're tired.

Hey Everybody.
NH - Congrats on the new chickens!!! Pics, please!!!

Bhep - Happy Bday to your little ones!!! Fun fun! And congrats on your little ducky having a friend. PLEASE post pics - there is nothing cuter in the world (well, almost nothing) than little ducklings!!!!!!!

Allabout and daddys - Good luck! I do not envy you and do hope someone has a video camera around for some good ol' chicken chasing!!!

My chickens are really not being very exciting these days. Just pretty much being chickens! No one is crowing or causing trouble or anything! I guess that's a good thing! They're just being hot and lazy. And we've been so busy I haven't done any of my big planned project for the coop or any more work to it at all! My husband is on lockdown with a new career venture right now and will be unavailable to help at all until August, soooo....

Oh, and buttercup, glad she's doing well! Strange about her crowing! That's so sad if she's just lonely! Poor girl! Hope she's reunited soon!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!
Wow...what an adventurous morning already!! The 4 new girls had hopped their fence and were mingling with the older crowd...sadly there was a lot of feather chasing going on and tons of pecking!!
Fortunately NO ONE has any sores or visible wounds!! They are such sweet girls and let me pick them up (reads: rescue). The roosters were trying to corner them and peck them (to death?
). The worst culprit of all was Jemimah - the alpha hen. I suppose she was just trying to "enforce" her dominance??
Do you know how long it takes for the "new" crowd to mingle or fit in with the "old" crowd?? I will post photos as soon as I can!! Have a good morning everyone!!
Good morning all............ Hope you all have a great weekend.

Yesterday afternoon we managed to sell 2 of our Buff Orp roo's so the thinning out has started. DW - Allison and I have decided that Erin is to be culled. We have tried everything to be nice with him, treats etc but to no avail. He is very rough too with one of the girls, so tonight he is gone. Not looking forward to doing it but Allison is scared to go in with the girls andshe so wants to. So, the plan is once he is gone, remove the visual barrier between the Buffs and the BR's for a few days (a week) and to then integrate the two groups together. This will give them extra space to roam, 2 buildings to use and more food/water containers. Hope our plan does work.

Em, you probably did see Bigfoot.......

To all the new folks this week that I've not been able to say hi to welcome, we're a great band here and will help where we can...........
A year ago I started my coop, with 6 bcm's. I then hatched a single EE chick, named Brunswick! Well he had to have a friend, so Neeley gave me an awesome Well-summer "Ray". Then I hatched 11 EE...6 boys...5 hens!!!!! And to go a step further I finally hatched some of my BCM's got 10!!Again, my name is Story, and I have an addiction to Chickens!!
It's been a while, I've been making sure my folks heeled from the wreck and vending plants at a big box store all spring, seems my hours have been cut to 5 from 40. Time for BYC is back!
My folks are doing great! Mom calls at least three times a day again.
Hope all have been well!!!

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