North Carolina

polish have that dome, its what makes their crest so big, the mom is a frizzled the baby has a 50/50 chance of being frizzled. as the wing feathers come in watch for them to be curled out away from the body (this means the baby is frizzled) heres a picture of a young sizzle from last year to show you what it looks like in the wings

Wow! Thanks for this info. About how old is the chick you are holding?? I've never had one with crazy feathers like that. I have 3 silkies but theirs is more like "fluff". Glad the "dome" on its head is "ok". It looked really weird before her fluff dried.

Thanks again for you help!
Wow! Thanks for this info. About how old is the chick you are holding?? I've never had one with crazy feathers like that. I have 3 silkies but theirs is more like "fluff". Glad the "dome" on its head is "ok". It looked really weird before her fluff dried.

Thanks again for you help!
this sizzle is a few weeks in this picture. For a sizzle you take a silkie and cross to a frizzle or a sizzle to a silkie, my non sizzles are pure silkie so they are the fluff
Congrats on the eggs!

I Never put my summer garden in until the first weekend in May. Our last frost date is April 31st, and although it doesn't frost that late every year, it's frozen enough plants for me that I just wait until may. Spring garden went in in February. Summer in May. Fall in August or September, depending on time and inclination. I know most folk try to get it earlier, but we have such a long growing season, it's not a problem for me.

All that to say...don't fret about having to wait! All is well!
well - that's not fair....we don't have an April 31st over here in Morganton!!!! : )
I don't remember having an April 31st here myself, but what do I know?

Scott (who tends to forget what I had for dinner last night)
I have 3 Light Brahma and 2 Dark Brahma ..ordered as pullets, if you are interested.
I'm not sure we can handle anymore right now, I think I'm going to have to hide the incubator from the GF. I thought there might have been 20-30 eggs in it , but not 40+......I need to get rid of a few to be honest
this sizzle is a few weeks in this picture. For a sizzle you take a silkie and cross to a frizzle or a sizzle to a silkie, my non sizzles are pure silkie so they are the fluff

Ok, so how do you get a frizzle? The sizzle is a Silkie with a ?? And the frizzle is a silkie with a ??

A sizzle and a frizzle - are they the same thing?
Good Monday Morning everyone!! I hope you all had a great weekend!! We spent the weekend just having family time as the DH left today for a business trip. We had horrible winds and rain here. I thought for sure something was going to break and it did - but it was only a tree branch and it missed the greenhouse roof by a few inches (DH says by a foot at least...I may have to go with him on that as I am terrible at judging distance/space...LOL). Mama broody didn't even flinch in the mess, she stayed on her nest (although we did close up the door a bit for her to keep the wind/rain off her and the eggs. She is doing well on 12 eggs - she is the SWEETEST broody we've had...she didn't even fuss when DH went in there and removed the "oldest" 2 eggs - she just talked to us the whole time...when I go to feed her, she "talks" while eating, then gets back on her nest and just sits there!!
Well....I officially have THREE duck eggs...that means out of 4 possible layers, only ONE is actually laying (in the coop at least) and not every day. Still, I am NOT complaining about that. DD1 gets SO excited when she sees the duck egg. She wants to hold it, feel it and LOVES when I show her how much bigger it is than a chicken egg. My little Biologist in training!!
Also...I think THINK I have one of my young girls laying. I only have 5 layers at the moment and one of them is broody, yet yesterday I collected 6 eggs - 5 chicken eggs and a duck egg. So either a chicken laid 2 eggs in a 24 hour period or else I have an early layer!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an early layer (it was a SMALL egg to that's another reason I'm leaning towards an early layer). to figure out if it's the BR, the SLW or the other ones that I have yet again forgotten what they are!! LOL

Wild - I am so sorry about your little chick!!

Glad most of you weathered the storm well. Have a happy Monday!! I am hopefully going to get some seeds in the ground this week...but I worry about the cold night temps...any advice?!? Should I wait until May?? LOL I am SO DESPERATE to actually have a harvest this year I am hesitant to plant anything too soon - that means I'll end up planting too late!! ARG!!

I am sooo anxious for my girls to start laying. They are about 11 weeks old so I think I have at least another month.
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

Tiddbit...WCA is the Wicked Chicken Auction in Clayton/Wilson Mills. Every Sunday. They have a facebook page.

Long, long day today. As soon as I can leave work, I must drive to Georgia. Might not be on much, if at all, for a couple days. Be Happy!

ETA: I just walked hubby through all the chores he needs to do mornings and nights. He was floored. Now, he's gonna make me count!
Thanks for letting me know. I keep seeing post about it and was wondering. I don't know how far away that is, but what county is it in?

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