North Carolina

Good morning all!
Had an interesting evening last night. While my DH was taking my DS to work, I stayed behind to enjoy the beautiful weather. Did a little weeding and thought it would be nice to have the girls out of their run for a bit. Don't trust them free-ranging so I made a "make-shift" extension run into the garden which is located next to the coop/run. Thought it would be a nice treat for them to peck around in fresh dirt, maybe scarf up a few worms or bugs in the process.
(trying to be a good mama) I used the same child gate I used for them when they were in the garage. Figuring they might fly out, I put another smaller gate across part of the top and ran a green, plastic fencing over the rest. It wasn't quite wide enough, but thought it would be enough to deter them from flying out. Planned on being out there or nearby to keep an eye out anyway, so what the heck!

My dog was outside with me, like he usually is, just wondering around with his collar on. While I was fussing with the chicken run and trying to lure them into the extension, he took off somewhere and as much as I called him, he was no where to be found.
By this time, my DH came home with my DD and DGD. After much looking in the area with no luck, I took the car down the road to check on the street that connects the the backside of our wooded area. Finally got a call that the dog came back.
When I got back with the car and went out back, my DH and DD were trying to round up the last of 3 chickens that got out of my wonderful "make-shift" extension run.

What a night! All is well now. I will be making something more secure for their future outings.
Hope everyone is enjoying this gorgeous weather today! It's supposed to be even warmer tomorrow here in Lincolnton...I think I read 78 degrees. We've been crazy busy at our place. We put up 3700 feet of electric fencing over the weekend. Prepping to bring our first dairy goat to the farm. She's a registered Nigerian Dwarf and is pregnant, so my two-legged children are extremely excited to be having babies coming. This is Miss Cocoa.

The three chicks I won in a contest are fully feathered an we hope to merge them this weekend with the rest of the coop. One of the three is a SLW Roo. We already have a Silkie Roo and we suspect that our new Red Cuckoo Orp is also a Roo, but thankfully I found a buyer for the little one. Three Roo's are way to many.
I'm excited for the fencing to be up because not only with the dairy goats have plenty of room to roam but I'll also be able to let the birds out to roam and the Hubs has already said that we can add a few more to the flock.

I have a serious chicken addiction, there is no doubt. Looking forward to Chickenstock 2013 in May here in Lincoln Co. where another BYC member is giving me the hookup on some new EE's. We love having a colorful egg basket!
How do yall leg band? I have a million chicks and the GF picked hers out and I want to band them for identification purposes and for breeding. I heard about velcro ones and like zip tie ones....anyone help would be marvelous!

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