North Carolina

Good morning folks

it seems the girls are getting over the spring rush
and the amount of eggs is slowing down just a
bit.....which is good since there seems to a lot
of eggs this to pick through the flock
and put in pullets to replace some older hens

hope your day is a good one
Good Tuesday Morning everyone!! I agree, it's foggy out there, so be careful!

Managed to collect 3 duck eggs yesterday again (anyone want some duck eggs?? LOL) and forced the hubby to take a dozen eggs to work as I currently have 5 dozen eggs (plus a dozen and a half of duck eggs) waiting to be used. Anyone have some recipes for desserts that require a LOT of eggs?? LOL Something I can share with friends?? I'm trying!!
I'm going to be in trouble when the other 10+ start laying in the coming weeks/month!!
My Easter Egger girls go into the coop so early in the evening. Is that normal? They are about 12 weeks old, but seem fully grown with their feathers so don't think they are cold.
Good morning everyone!
I don't have any classes today and I would like to do some stuff in the yard, but as usual after the rain I would have to wade out there. I know I have awhile to wait on some egg action, but I keep checking every day. This wait is just torture!
Good morning everyone!
I don't have any classes today and I would like to do some stuff in the yard, but as usual after the rain I would have to wade out there. I know I have awhile to wait on some egg action, but I keep checking every day. This wait is just torture!

I feel your pain! I am anxious for some egg action as well. My girls are 12 weeks old - what about yours?

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