North Carolina

I breed silkies. They are bantams so they are not going to get much bigger. They also won't go broody until they start to lay. With silkies they don't begin to lay until the earliest 6 months if your lucky. Between 7 and 8 is the average for POL. Some can be a year befor POL. I currently have a pullet who is 10 months old and still hasn't gone broody yet.

Thank you for this info! Do I need to place a nest box down on the ground level for them? How high up can I make it for them to still get into it? I just won't expect any eggs from them for at least a few more months then. They sure are adorable little things - I just love them.
Just taking a chance that someone here might know of someone who raises Call Ducks.....? The chick that we have in with my son's newly hatched call duck is NOT impressed and is a couple weeks older than the baby. We have decided it would be better to try to find a call duck "friend" for it.

I've had a rough time finding anyone that has Call Ducks (or wants to sell the ones they have :) They are, literally, as scarce as hens teeth! I've been searching craigslist, FB, the BYC forums, emailing websites, etc.

Anyway, if anyone has any leads or knows of anyone, please message me asap. Thanks bunches!!
Just taking a chance that someone here might know of someone who raises Call Ducks.....? The chick that we have in with my son's newly hatched call duck is NOT impressed and is a couple weeks older than the baby. We have decided it would be better to try to find a call duck "friend" for it.

I've had a rough time finding anyone that has Call Ducks (or wants to sell the ones they have :) They are, literally, as scarce as hens teeth! I've been searching craigslist, FB, the BYC forums, emailing websites, etc.

Anyway, if anyone has any leads or knows of anyone, please message me asap. Thanks bunches!!
Mary has some!
Don't know about anyone else but our younger birds, ducks or chickens, always go to bed earlier than the others.
I have some 6 week olds outside that don't go to's the weirdest thing. We've locked them in a few times but they will not sleep in the house. My big hen pen is in the coop and snoozing by 7-8.
Thank you for this info! Do I need to place a nest box down on the ground level for them? How high up can I make it for them to still get into it? I just won't expect any eggs from them for at least a few more months then. They sure are adorable little things - I just love them.
I have done it both ways, with a nest box and without. Mine usually don't use the nest boxes. They lay their eggs beside it. My broody right now is setting on eggs right beside the nest box on the floor. But they are all different and have different preferences. My nest boxes for them are on the ground and the front board of the nest is about 2-3 inches high. They don't seem to have any problems getting in or out. I have a little pullet that started out laying on the floor and is now laying in the nest box. It is so exciting when you find your first Silkie egg!
The age could be why. Since their coop and run are very secure, we just leave the door open all the time for them. Closed it once to clean it while they were outside and forgot to open it
. They just went with the flow and roosted on the branch I have set up in the run.
Good Afternoon, Happy Chicken People!

Couldn't get to a computer earlier, as I had back-to-back final exams starting at 8:00. Had to get up, get chores done, get to work, get my car unloaded, and then set up for exams. They are finished for today though! Yay!

NH, what do you mean by "stuffing diapers"? I thought that's what the babies did! I used cloth diapers, but never had any "stuffing" to do, so I'm always curious when you use that phrasing.

Hope your day is excellent!

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