North Carolina

Well my barn/pig pen/brooder/rabbit room is clean
after all the rain I was not looking forward to cleaning it out. The kid did a good job, and after awhile, I went out to help lay down new straw and sprinkle PDZ. The kid was asking questions about some of the 'unique' breeds(cochin and silkes) that I have, and I think after he left here he had a little bit of love for chickens, eespecially since he spent a good 15 mins holding my sweet little silkie girl. The dad still seemed angry at him and wanted to know if there was anything else he could do but I insisted they had done more than enough. I also found out, through the mother, that the dad is a construction worker and built there awesome coops, so I asked him if he would like some money to build me a 10x10 shed for turkeys out of all the old wood I have. He agreed and said he could start work on it this weekend should the weather stay nice. So despite losing my little roo, I got to meet a nice family and fellowchicken lovers

What a blessing! God works in mysterious ways.
God its good to be a man!
Ewwww, and have something hanging between my legs all the time? No thanks! Besides, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. No man will ever really understand what true love and devotion are. I would kill for my children, I mean a visceral, animal instinct kind of kill. I would go for the throat with my teeth to save my children, I can't describe it, its more passion than I have ever felt before in my life and being pregnant is not all misery, there is something about being pregnant that makes you feel more beautiful than you've ever felt before, even with hemerrhoids.
We do lazy composting. Everything goes in the bins. We don't turn it...the worms do that. When one bin is full, we start on the second. In spring, the finished bins go in the garden.

And Mama Nature doesn't separate things, so neither do we! And no smell, aside from the frshest stuff, but the chickens usually grab that, so no smells!

OH! And Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!
I do the same thing. My daughters teacher told her that there were things that can't go into the compost and when she told me that, I laughed and told her to tell her teacher that there is a decomposer for everything on this earth that was made by this earth and we put everything into the compost (excepting plastic, metal, big sticks, etc). Turning, Ha! That's for people with time. I let the bugs turn it. I scrape the fresh stuff off the top and use it for starter in the next bin. I refuse to overthink the process of rotting, nature seems to have that down pat herself.
Thank you ever for you condolences.
I went out this morning with a photo of the car, crushing my bird(neighbor got the whole thing on his game cam) and found the home of a very sorry 15 year old boy and his best friend. I showed the photo to the parents, who were extremely appalled at their son's behavior . They informed that he had just gotten his license and was told he could only go up and down the side street here, needless to say daddy went red in the face when he realized he went off the side road
. I later found out that they raise chickens as well, the mother and I went out outside and talked birds for a while, and after much protesting she made me take a sweet little hen
. Then to top it all off, about an hour the father and son pull up in my drive way, the father then asks if I need any help cleaning coops, I'll told him no, but he wants his son to pay for what he did. So he is now outside mucking my muddy flooded barn
Thank God for good parents

That's good. I hope he learned from this.
Another pic
Im not as experienced as some of the others on here who have been doing this for 5+ years. I was under the understanding that a Gold Comet, Red Star, Gold Sex Link, Cinnamon Queens are all about the same. The hens are always brown with just some very light flakes of white around the neck or tail. The cockerals will be mostly white with a little brown sometimes none. So if its a Red Star its definately male; Maybe you will get lucky and its a hen thats a leghorn mixed with something
Well my barn/pig pen/brooder/rabbit room is clean
after all the rain I was not looking forward to cleaning it out. The kid did a good job, and after awhile, I went out to help lay down new straw and sprinkle PDZ. The kid was asking questions about some of the 'unique' breeds(cochin and silkes) that I have, and I think after he left here he had a little bit of love for chickens, eespecially since he spent a good 15 mins holding my sweet little silkie girl. The dad still seemed angry at him and wanted to know if there was anything else he could do but I insisted they had done more than enough. I also found out, through the mother, that the dad is a construction worker and built there awesome coops, so I asked him if he would like some money to build me a 10x10 shed for turkeys out of all the old wood I have. He agreed and said he could start work on it this weekend should the weather stay nice. So despite losing my little roo, I got to meet a nice family and fellowchicken lovers
Wow I have to say im pretty amazed about the whole story. I think I find it most interesting that the neighbor has a game cam set up at the road?! It pays off off I guess. I mean God works in mysterious ways. lol. Nice ending.

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