North Carolina

You can sprinkle baking soda on your carpets to kill fleas inside the house... leave for 2 days and vaccum up baking soda & dead fleas... be sure to dump vaccum canister. It drys their outer shell and causes the flea to dehydrate & die. You will have to do it every 2 weeks or so... because it doesn't kill flea eggs... just the adult fleas.

Excellent suggestion. You can also make flea traps. Night lights, with bowls of water underneath. A drop of dish soap in the water will break the water tension. Fleas are attracted to warmth, so they check out the light, fall in the bowl and drown. You can get an idea how many you're dealing with, and take some out while you do.
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Good morning folks

Seems folks have gone from cold and rain to
summer heat and critters.......fleas and ticks........
our place is part of a wedge of sand bar in the area
and seems to be quite attractive to fleas and ticks....
I'm all for home remedies and ideas to help keep
the critter invasion at bay. Several years ago we had
a large free range flock and they all but wiped out
EVERYTHING to include ticks. We still don't have as
many ticks in the yard but fleas are still a pain

hope everyone has a good day
I tried the Vaseline but I guess I didn't put it on often enough
your trying to smother them and their eggs with something. I have vet rx and it says you can use it on leg mites as well (I haven't ever tried it). But once the scales on the legs are messed up from the mites, they don't tend to go back to normal from what I have read.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... I had to quote myself just to add some more m's to the hmmm.
Hehe...that made me giggle!!
Last night, we put the feed in 2 plastic "watering" dishes (we just took the base off and poured the feed in there) worked SO much better, they were eating it up. I'm guessing it has something to do with the metal - maybe the sound even? I don't know...I'm just going to keep an eye on it all, now that I know what I SHOULD be doing and make sure that's what's going on!!

Thank you all for being so wonderful, helpful and supportive...not to mention full of wisdom!!

I myself have no problems tossing away out-of-date antibiotics. Just means no one needed it and that makes me happy.

2 Antibiotics I always have here just in case.

Fish-Mox: Yes they are made for aquariums, but it is the same thing and CHEAPER. I get 100 capsules bottles at 250 mg of Amoxicillin each for $14.18 on ebay from Capsules last alot longer then injectable and powder. For dosage all you have to do is wet a capsule and pop it down the birds throat. The 'wetting' is so that is doesn't stick to the inside of the mouth or tongue.

Amoxicillin is your go it antibiotic for infection from injury, sepsis, crop infections, sour crop, gut infections, egg binding, and even some respiratory issues. I have given it to both bantams and standards with great success over the years. Treatment for most things is 1 a day for 5-7 days.

Tylan 50 and syringes(bulk box of 1CC slip lock syringes and another of 25 guage needles): All around treatment for alot of respiratory issues. The slip lock syringes have a longer tip that the needle slides on. These come in handy for use as a dropper/force feeder as well. I also have some 6CC with the slip lock that I use for worming with Ivomec.


Edited to add: I have also used Fish-Mox to treat myself. LOL
Matt - thank you for this!! It's a good tool to have "on hand" in case of emergencies. I'm printing it out and keeping it in my first aid kit!! Thank you again!!

No news to report on the chicken/duck front here. The garden is growing (well...some things at least...hehe) and all seems to be well at the Meadows. Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!!
Good morning all!

Does having sand in the run add flea problems?

Just heard one of my "hens" crow
. Guess my "Girls Club" sign will have to be amended. Thinking of adding a sign under "Girls Club" - "Rooster Protected"

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