North Carolina

I think I have decided to add my SLW girls to the others this weekend. I want to give them time together before we go out of town. They have been free ranging together for a couple of weeks, and the worst I have had is a little bit of chasing. The SLW girls gladly retreat.

Hoping all goes well!
I let mine join the flock immediately after they come off the nest, but I also don't keep chick-aggressive birds. And they don't have woods to go in. I think you'll need advice from someone who knows your conditions better.

Weekends mean Nothing to me right now! Nothing! I have no classes, no kids in difference between Tuesday and Saturday in my world!

I can't wait either! We are out June 12th..... I'm looking forward to sleeping until 6 or 6:15am :) ahhh
I need to find a chicken sale or swap close to Shelby, NC The livestock auction here closed down. Really miss the Thursday night chicken sale.
I think I have decided to add my SLW girls to the others this weekend. I want to give them time together before we go out of town. They have been free ranging together for a couple of weeks, and the worst I have had is a little bit of chasing. The SLW girls gladly retreat.

Hoping all goes well!
Mine do the chase game as soon as they come out of the coop in the morning. They chase a bit, and do the chest bump thing, and then settle into whatever treat I have brought them or just start hunting bugs and scratching around. I do love to watch my girls!

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