North Carolina

I'm home again! Super long day, but good.

First...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Moore6!!!!

Then...Daddy was feeling good this morning, with both BP and pulse rate normal, YAY!

And another yay for me! The docs were floored at strength improvement and balance. They did the computerized objective muscle strength tests again, today. Normally they schedule a different day, as the MDA clinic is so busy. After looking at me, and reviewing the strength tests, the PT and the neurologist agree that the brace can downstep. My PT is going to research KOs to see if he can find a really light weight one. They did keep reminding me that better was not well and we don't know how long it will last. But is temporary, so if the improvement is, too...that's okay. I'll take what I can get!

For now I continue with this brace, and he'll email when he's found some options for me. Then I'll go to orthotics for fitting. Might have this thing before fall semester! Wouldn't that be awesome!

Hope everyone is having a great day!
I'm home again! Super long day, but good.

First...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Moore6!!!!

Then...Daddy was feeling good this morning, with both BP and pulse rate normal, YAY!

And another yay for me! The docs were floored at strength improvement and balance. They did the computerized objective muscle strength tests again, today. Normally they schedule a different day, as the MDA clinic is so busy. After looking at me, and reviewing the strength tests, the PT and the neurologist agree that the brace can downstep. My PT is going to research KOs to see if he can find a really light weight one. They did keep reminding me that better was not well and we don't know how long it will last. But is temporary, so if the improvement is, too...that's okay. I'll take what I can get!

For now I continue with this brace, and he'll email when he's found some options for me. Then I'll go to orthotics for fitting. Might have this thing before fall semester! Wouldn't that be awesome!

Hope everyone is having a great day!
YAY Meg!!! Great News all around! I am very happy for you and your dad!!!!
Hi Everyone, I need some input/advice. What is your favorite laying breed? I am looking for a good laying breed to add to the flock. They must be easy going as they will probably at some point be running with the Ameraucanas, Welsummers and/or Marans. I am also considering Favorelles and I know the are at risk for being picked on. I have only had a few Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks which I liked but I am thinking Australorps, what do you all think?

This is not meant to start a fight, just an honest discussion. I know we all have our favorites and I want to know what yours are and WHY. The question after that is... does anyone have hatching eggs??? lol.

If you are not looking to breed I would go with a good sexlink. I have Gold comets(red sexlinks). They are great layers, very hearty, and fairly docile. They are just a good plain laying hen. Since they are a mix they are not for breeding. If you eat your birds, they also make good stewing hens when their days are done.

Hi Everyone, I need some input/advice.  What is your favorite laying breed?  I am looking for a good laying breed to add to the flock.  They must be easy going as they will probably at some point be running with the Ameraucanas, Welsummers and/or Marans.  I am also considering Favorelles and I know the are at risk for being picked on.  I have only had a few Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks which I liked but I am thinking Australorps, what do you all think? 

This is not meant to start a fight, just an honest discussion.  I know we all have our favorites and I want to know what yours are and WHY.  The question after that is... does anyone have hatching eggs???  lol.


I'll put in a plug for Buff Orpingtons. Although I am working on show quality BBS English Orps, and getting in other colors, my stock layers are hatchery Buffs. They are sweet, gentle, and lay well in winter when my egg customer demand goes up. On the other hand, they tend to go broody, so I keep several more to compensate for that.
I love my standard brahmas for laying, easygoing and also for hatching and adding some bulk to my meat birds. However, they need lots of shade in this climate, especially for those of you who live inland. But, I did get them from a girl who lives in Lumberton, which is a lot more inland than myself and she's got a lot of em', mine do fine as long as they get to get out of the sun. The other downfall is that they are a meat bird that requires a lot of plucking. If you have a plucker, you're good. I do mine by hand.
We got sideswiped by a line of storms just a little while ago. I ran out and got BigMama and her babies into their house. She was freaking out trying to get all 11 of them together and in the house.

There is another line coming off the mountain, so she will stay in there the rest of the day. It is 2x3, so the babies have plenty of room to run around and play while mama watches.

We didn't get much rain off this first line of storms, but we got the wind. The temp is 72 right now. My eyelids suddenly weigh 20lbs each. This house has no AC and never has. Makes for LONG, hot, sleepless nights under fans. I have fans in both the windows in my room going right now. Feels nice in here.

For those in the path of that storm line, becareful. It is growing alot and is putting down ALOT of lightning.

Moores6 Happy Birthday!!!!

Newhomesteader - not to be gross, but what did the "present" look like? Like big dog poo or middle size dog/cat poo? We have had fox and coyote issues this year
none of them have gotten to the chickens, but I am very careful about locking them up every night. I believe that fox looks more like middle size dog poo and coyote like big dog. Someone else might have better info... this is just my limited experience.
Your momma and babies are too cute!

Coop Scoop Boogie - I candled 3 eggs last night - just a small sample and all three look GREAT!!! I am so excited! they have been almost a week.


Happy Thursday everyone!!!

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