North Carolina

Good morning folks

I'm hoping for a dry least
before the next set of rains that start tomorrow

hope everyone has a good day
Got the worst news to report, not only did I lose another hen- Gabby, I also lost my best friend Colin, two days apart from each other. Gabby started showing almost the same signs like her sister Abby, walking slowly, stopped laying but she didn't try to lay like Abby or had alot of egg in her poop. She was panting alot so I gave her the fish mox to try and she perked up, panting went away still walking slowly, eating and drinking, then she lost control of her wings couldn't roost anymore but could still balance herself and walk around, then Friday she went downhill and wouldn't eat or drink or move around, other half brought her in and she died that afternoon. Don't know what she had. Colin died of food poisoning or a allergic reaction to tuna. We were given some fresh tuna to grill and he ate a few raw pieces and it made him severely sick. I called my vet and he told me it had to continue to pass thru his system and give him pepto-bismol the rest of the day (Sunday) and bring him in on Mon. Neither of us thought it was that bad but I could just kill myself for not taking him in. I wish I was home when he grilled the tuna cause I would not allow him to eat it cooked let alone raw. I'm so heartbroken right now I don't know what to do. When will it all end. I want another Collie and I found 2 in the Raeford area? I haven't called just sent them an e-mail, anyway if any of you know anybody that has any Collies or Shelties for sale please let me know. Thank y'all so much.

Rest in peace my dear friend
NH -
that baby comes soon! I know you are ready to get that baby OUT {& to meet her, of course}! YAY on your garden -- and especially the watermelons. I remember not so long ago you were hungry for some watermelon and sad yours had died... I think your "black thumb" may be getting a little greener!

2StrayRoos --
Our animals are like our children as well. Hang in there, something good is bound to come of all of this!

Happy Wednesday everyone! We are surely enjoying our summer. Lots to do around here, we are FINALLY done moving our entire lives from Ohio to here {I am NEVER moving across country again}, now to put everything away
2StrayRoos - so sorry about Colin and Gaby

2Sesslers - Welcome to your permenant home! Moving is tough!

CSB - I sure hope Luke is wrong! I want some sunshine this afternoon!

RF - Just expand the Koi pond! The neighbors won't mind losing a driveway will they?

NH - I haven't heard of anyone being pregnant forever... ducks, baby chicks! Soon!
fl.gif my neighbor's hen is brooding....for over a month. My neighbor can't get the hen off the nest so I go over at night and get the hen off the nest. What do I need to do to get this hen to stop brooding? She did this last year but it did not last this long. Her comb is fading and droopy. She looks bad. Help!

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