North Carolina

I have several pairs of Serama that will start breeding and laying in the next couple of months. $20 per pair. Also I have a few cockerels and one adult roo for sale as well for $5.00 each. Im located in Vass, near Southern Pines.

Hi, I've been a member for some time, but have just never really gotten around to posting.

I adopted a flock of older girls last year when some friends were changing duty stations (I live close to Ft Bragg). They are New Hampshire Reds and were 3-4 years old when they came to me laying their fool heads off. I started with six, but due to a racoon or possum, Drumstick's drumstick was eaten and my remaining girls were traumatized. I placed full blame on the boyfriend, since he named her, thus sealing her fate.

After the night time coop raid, I revamped their coop with new wire and a newly designed door. My father was awesome enough to get in there with me to help tear it out and put in new wire. I can officially say that my coop (that came with the birds and is completely upcycled save for the new wire) is held together by chicken wire, a few screws, and a big wish. It was quite rickety, but getting new wire all around really seemed to make it much more sturdy.

So now I have my five girls and it's either time to find them a home or put them in the pot. As such, I'm giving them a bit of extra spoiling with some warm mashes (especially in the COLD weather we've experienced lately) and worms. They of course have free reign of the yard and rule the compost pile with an iron claw.

I've started putting out feelers for new hens, perhaps pullets, and met a fellow BYC member who encouraged me to post here, so here I am.

I'd love input into what specific breeds you all enjoy here in NC. I've been fond of my girls and grew up with silkies and Rhode Island Reds, but I'd like to branch out a bit and get some friendlier birds that are great layers. Since I got mine so advanced in age, they were never properly socialized, though they quickly learned to come running when I called since I always have good things to eat. They're still skittish which bums me out because we always handled our chickens and they were very social and friendly.

I really want a Brahma as a pet to keep forever and love until she goes, and as for the rest, I've been looking into Barred Rocks. I really do want birds that will thrive in this climate, lay well, and be well behaved (and can handle chasing off a squirrel). I look forward to hearing who has what in this area, and where I can find some good, healthy birds that I can welcome into my backyard.
Hey Guys!

Been a bit since I have been on. Hope everyone and flocks are well. I have a question... A friend of mine is having a pretty bad issue with Mites on his birds. About a month ago, I told him to use Seven Dust on them, clean their coop real well, seven dust around it, ya know they easy stuff. Talked with him today, he said the girls butts are really red and have lost all their butt feathers. Having never had this issue, Im looking for some advice. He says they are still laying so do you think he has nipped it in the bud but its taking some time to heal? Is there some other advice I can give him? Much appreciated!!!
I love my Barred Rocks! I think they are the most friendly and curious of breeds I have come into contact with. New Hamphire Reds, Easter Eggers and Brahmas are right up there though. There are alot of breeds that are docile and friendly. I think raising them from babies always helps with that. The more love and attention they get, the more likely they are to give you that little pitter patter of the feet, when you walk up. It takes more work and time to reap the benifits, but raising babies is the only way to get a great pet (in my opinion).

Welcome fellow BYC'er!!! Good Luck!

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