North Carolina

Hi - I have a free rooster you can have! I'm Carolyn's aunt and she was talking about you yesterday. ;-) My rooster is a Swedish Flower Hen and he is heartbreakingly handsome. He is also aggressive towards me and he crows a lot. We had talked about Carolyn processing him, but I thought I'd try to find a place where he could live out his life first. I live on the east side of Raleigh and I can deliver him to you if that makes it easier. Let me know!
The boys are here! Breakfast and Lunch! Dinner will be picked up this weekend.

They are SOOOOO stinkin' cute!!!!!!

Yes I'm the bus driver and this week alone my bus has been passed 4 times.....a slow
week on the violations as I usually have 1-2 per day.
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My white leghorn came up behind my 6 year old son with his wing dropped and walking sideways fixin to flog him I yelled the Roos name and he darted off. My kid didn't know what was about to happen and I didn't tell him cause I don't want him to fear them. So anyone want a free roo ? If he not gone by Sunday we havin chicken n rice with gravy Sunday night. I've had him since he was 5 months never done this but I know he's getting of age now where he wants to start challenging. He will not challenge myself or my wife. I have two small children ages six and 10. I'm not going to have a rooster who wants to challenge them and scare them. He is a good-looking roo.
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My white leghorn came up behind my 6 year old son with his wing dropped and walking sideways fixin to flog him I yelled the Roos name and he darted off. My kid didn't know what was about to happen and I didn't tell him cause I don't want him to fear them. So anyone want a free roo ? If he not gone by Sunday we havin chicken n rice with gravy Sunday night. I've had him since he was 5 months never done this but I know he's getting of age now where he wants to start challenging. He will not challenge myself or my wife. I have two small children ages six and 10. I'm not going to have a rooster who wants to challenge them and scare them. He is a good-looking roo.

Good luck rehoming but if you can't, you're going to have an amazing dinner! I won't tolerate aggressive/challenging roosters either. There are too many good roos to put up with the bad. :)
Good morning folks

Seeing all the pumpkins at fruit markets and plant stores
has got me in the mood for pumpkin pie and baked goods
with pumpkin in it. So many folks buy those pumpkins for
outdoor decorations and never process them afterwards
......they just throw them away..........seems like a waste
of good food to me.......but that's just me. I grew up in the
era of waste not-want not.

hope everyone has a good day
Good morning all hope everyone is having a great week. This weather is having a mood around here 85 yesterday 55 tomorrow mother nature has a sense of humor.
Been doing some work on the coop and run, the girls don't know what to think. The other day I did not get the clean out door latched good and when I came back I found it open. The girls like the view, but found 3 eggs on the ground they fell almost 4 feet and where just fine. I was a bit amazed, one had even been moved up under the coop to a higher location. It just interesting to me the funny things they do sometimes.
With 9 hens we get more eggs then the wife and I need to eat in a week. Most of this summer we had 2 or 3 Doz in the fridge at a time. I started to offer them to family and friends, several would tell me we only get omaga-3 or organic eggs from the store or farmers market. Ok that fine, I gave a doz to my Pastor and some ladies at church, one admitted she not big on eggs but those are the best eggs she ever ate and asked if she could get 2 doz in Dec when her family comes to visit. Well the word must have gotten around for the first time I had to say no I don't have any eggs just so I could have some. I don't charge just ask for donation for up keep, Pastor gets his free. I am glad to share what I have and it a good feeling when someone realizes what an egg should taste like.
Good morning to y'all. What a day so far. Got to work tomorrow but off Sunday. Going to take out the run and till it in the garden Sunday and got some more fencing for free to add onto the run. The critters will like that.
My white leghorn came up behind my 6 year old son with his wing dropped and walking sideways fixin to flog him I yelled the Roos name and he darted off. My kid didn't know what was about to happen and I didn't tell him cause I don't want him to fear them. So anyone want a free roo ? If he not gone by Sunday we havin chicken n rice with gravy Sunday night. I've had him since he was 5 months never done this but I know he's getting of age now where he wants to start challenging. He will not challenge myself or my wife. I have two small children ages six and 10. I'm not going to have a rooster who wants to challenge them and scare them. He is a good-looking roo.

Bummer about the rooster being aggressive :( I had one that did that...I tried chasing him and pinning him down 4x to assert my dominance and he just ended up getting more stealth with his attacks. I couldn't allow the kids in the coop and one day he tore up my legs with his spurs and that was all she wrote.

I finally got a lead on selling eggs where I'm living now! That should coincide nicely with all these pullets coming of laying age her in the next month!

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