North Carolina

I bet niether the mice or black snake survived very long?? My girls, especially the Buff Orpingtons, love to hunt down the black snakes. About the only time I ever see one now is one of the girls goes flying by me with her prize in her beak.
Well, the snake was about 4 ft and they left him alone. I found him with egg dribbling out of his mouth curled up in the nestbox. I took him out to the woods down the road and let him loose. They are great for rodent control. The mice and smaller snakes don't stand a chance.
We hung our American flag, the storm soon blew it down. No eggs hatching, but did spend some time trying to tame our young flock. It was nice have some time to just enjoy them.
We cursed the rain most of the weekend
No trout fishing for my husband, no gardening for me. We did, however, complete a new
house for Honey, my Partridge Silkie and her 3 new

I hate to complain about the rain, because droughts are even worse, but the mosquitos and the mud are getting old
BCSilkies I can't agree with you more! We didn't get much rain this weekend, got it friday and yesterday but considering it wasn't horrible. I got stuff done on my coop saturday & sunday, still need other things to do with it, mainly just finishing the wire (its a tedious job the way i'm doing it X_x) and the pop door and the roof. but its slow going. lol. especially with the rain and the wetness, I just don't have the want to get out there when its mucky and i got to keep making sure I have a board under my butt or knees so i'm not getting drenched. Half my yard is boggy with alot of moss, and this unfortunately is the most level area I have so thats where I was building the tractor coop at...SO...everytime i stick a knee or something in the ground i get a well up of like 1" of water. gross!!! I agree also I am stinking tired of being eaten up by frickin mosquitos as well. My new best friend is OFF and hydrocortizone cream. lol
We spent part of our weekend at the ER Vet. Cat was acting like she was drunk. Still don't know what was wrong with her and they wanted to charge me $490+ to keep her over night. I had them give her fluids sub-cu and a shot of cortizone and took her home. Well will be taking her to our own vet tomorrow. We had burgers on the grill on Sunday. DH worked on Monday Rained a good part of the day yesterday and had another storm roll through last night. Right now it looks like they may be stacking up for another light show.

Oh yeah, after that drought a few years back(2005?), I don't complain much about the rain either. Parts of SC are still feeling the effects of it.
I know I'm a little late on my reply...but,

I did the usual, tending to the garden, checking on tobacco and hops crops, building breeding pens and spending a little time on BYC in between!

oh, I did get the pumpkin seeds in the ground finally so I can get that record breaking one this year!
Does anyone in the Western NC area of great quality silkies eggs available right now? Or chicks or starteds or adults?

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