North Carolina

Thank you!
Hey wait!!!
Dont forget me!!! I'm in Denton NC...

Just now found the thread about "where are you??"
Hello all you chicken lovin neighbors in NC!!! LoL
Holly in Durham, NC. Home of the 2010 NCAA Men's Lacrosse Champions! Woohoo!!!

What I do have: the coop (or at least the beginnings of it)...from Craigslist--new, homemade 4x4 coop with 4x4 run, all conveniently packaged together and ready for me to add the other ingredients. Have an existing wooden swingset structure to repurpose, three panels of wooden fence, a ancient childrens' playhouse, and the 4x8 coop/pen. Want to add a chainlink fence with gate around the perimeter. All sorts of ideas percolating in my head about how to tie it all together. (Great ideas on this website!) Catalogs from every hatchery and several how to chicken books.

What I don't have: the Durham Limited Agriculture Permit (paperwork. blerg.) Chickens.

Me: Jumpy claps.

My husband: *blank stare*

Hey Y'all!
Welcome Holly!

You must live within city limits, huh? I'm glad I don't have any red tape here in Henderson!

Let me know when you're ready for your em popping out of the incubators now, lol!
I have a chainlink fence if you want to come take it down. It was Freecycled to me. I now have my flock in a 20x30 dog run divided into different areas. It's nothing fancy. I put it up with regular metal fence posts not the ones they use for chainlink. Baling wire and fence wire holds it up. I'm not sure how long it is, but I'm sure it's enough for what you are gonna use if for. I just haven't gotten around to taking it down yet.

Even though you are a Dukey fan, I'll let you have it, lol You just can't come into the house! Our spareroom is a Tarheel room

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