North Carolina

Hello from Buncombe County. Do any of you know someone who would like a black Silkie rooster, eight months old. He is now the age that he is fighting with his father in a flock of only six. He is very calm, allows me to pick him up, and is a watches the ladies. It just does not work to have two males in such a little flock. I would gladly give him to a GOOD home, one that would spoil him as I have.

Please let me know.
[email protected]
Hi, fellow Tarheels!

I was born and bred in Statesville, about 40 m. north of Charlotte.
Hey you guys, I have a favor to ask...

Does anyone in NC breed silkies or mille fleur d'uccles? I have a friend who used to my neighbor down the road a couple years ago and I got her into more than just her 3 RIR layers...I got her into Silkies two years ago, and this year she was expanding her flock...Got hatching eggs - got 2 babies out of her broody on that and then ordered 8 chicks from MyPetChicken (she was crazy I told her - but she didn't tell me till after X_x) Anyway she got the 5 she originally ordered + an extra silkie and 2 mille fleurs...Long story short she had them 3 weeks and Saturday morning she woke up to her dogs having a fit and she goes out to discover 6 of the 7 chicks she still had gone and in the belly of a huge black snake that some how miraculously got into her brooder (I haven't figured that one out - I was the one she called Saturday to come and get the snake as he couldn't get out of the brooder with his stomach full and she wasn't touching him - she rescued the last baby)

Now she has 1 little lonely 3 week old chick and her heart's broken she feels horrible - she's a very emotional person and going through a rough time as it is. So I want to buy her atleast a couple chicks to help her get over this trauma. She did nothing wrong had them in the most secure thing I'd ever seen someone have as an outdoor brooder and the cage was in her garage by her Rottie's kennel. But snakes were something neither of us thought about - and being a snake lover and owner - i would never have expected a 5-6' black snake that big to ever manage to get in there as it was...

So if anyone has silkies or mille fleur duccles for sale - chicks or adults I'd appreciate the call. Right now I've got her little silkie in with my babies and if in a couple days I can't find any to replace for her - I'm going to give her hers back + 2 of my own chicks I just bought. She really just needs the assurance she can be trusted with chickens and have something to re-devote her attention on. Its devestated her. And she's great people - she's a rescuer/foster for exotic birds - parrots and also dogs. She's taking care of her elderly mother and has recently had a rough time battling health issues of her own. and it was like this was the final hit of the nail to the coffin in her eyes...

So I'm asking my fellow NC'ers if I can get a helping hand in locating some babies and possibly someone to meet me if the drive is long - as I don't trust myself or my car to go very far out of my comfort area - but I'm willing to do a 1/2 and 1/2 drive if I can find babies.

Thank you guys, wish me luck!
Welcome, Deb. I live out to the east of Statesville in Iredell County in the Elmwood area. I'm about a mile north of Hwy 70 off of Elmwood Road.

Wow! Right here in R-dell County! Wasn't expecting anyone so close (don't ask me why, I dunno
). I'm mighty pleased to meet you, Jim!

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