North Carolina

Hello! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend in the beautiful weather. My DH and I were able to finish our coop and we got our chickens this afternoon. We bought 7 chickens from a lady who wanted to sell her flock. AND someone, not sure who it was, laid an egg tonite. I have three delawares, one of which is a fiesty rooster, three australorps, and a cuckoo marans. I am so excited now that everything is finished and I have chickens in my yard.

vfem: congrats on the hatch! The chicks are adorable!

Also, if anyone knows how to "tame" a rooster, I would appreciate the help. I know I shouldnt be afraid of him, but I can't help but be slightly intimidated. He's about 3 years old.
Oh Shannon, your DH is soo talented. I love top bar hives, really want one myself.
We are very excited for our bees to arrive too. We were lucky enough to find a commercial beekeeper, he is putting in 10 hives next month and we get honey and related products for him having them here. PLUS... all that pollination!!
We'll have to trade bee stories as the season starts.
You can get by with chicken wire enforced with Welded Wire over it. That is the heavy gauge fence wire with 2"X4" holes. You also need to have an "L" of wire going out 6-12" from the side just under the surface to prevent digging. This will keep out medium sized predators and larger. Weasels and rats can still get through, but they are normally night problems, so if you have a secure coop at night this will do. It is more fencing and work, but saves $$$. At least it did 4 years ago. Not sure what prices are right now. To mostly stop the rats and weasels you can put hardware cloth around the bottom 18" with 6" on the ground.

I literally had a neighborhood dog RIP the chicken wire we used on our coop to shreds in a matter of moments! I was terrified as I watched it happen. I upgraded immediately!
SCB I am going to agree on the hardware cloth or at least the welded wire with chicken wire over it .................. You will proberly end up with in the long run anyway, usally after a disaster.

You also need to either bury some welded wire underground or add the skirt ( thats what I call it ) Dogs, racoons, skunks etc. can & will dig under. And just because you do not see the critters, believe me, they are there.

vfem... cute cute cute

Congrats jen on your new flock. There are a bunch of different theories on taming the rooster. Some people grab him & carry him around a little, swat him back etc. I get rid of the mean ones. I have 3 kids, that love to hang out with the chickens as well as myself. A mean rooster can ruin that plus it HURTS when they attack. I have been lucky, haven't had a mean rooster in a looong time. We have 13 (I think) and all are sweetie pies.

for the incubator.
First off
BCS, I am so sorry for your loss. I live far far east of you, but I will still keep my eyes & ears posted for your beloved Roo. I will pass along anything that might be him! I am praying for you, your husband and this situation!!

Vfm - JEALOUS...aside from cute, that was all I "had" to say.

Jen - I wish I had something to offer you in the way of help, but I do not have any chickens yet, so I'm some what of a "new egg" and I am completely clueless...that's why I came to BYC - everyone here is so helpful!!

Gavin -
:congratulations yay for the incubator!!
what do you plan to put in it? How did you get the DW to agree to it? (need suggestions to get the DH to agree...

Good morning everyone!! I hope you all had a great weekend! Coop update: we have ordered our materials and we are just waiting for them to arrive!!
There was some "last minute" changes to the plans.
Since my husband has placed a "cap" on the number of chickens we can have, he realized that the coop size was WAY too big (BOO). Rather than make a smaller coop...he decided to build a BIG barn and give me a 10'x10' area for the chickens and a 10'x10' area for our cow (once we get him). This way he's only building one building for the animals, and can ensure I'm not going to over do the number of chickens!! We will still have a separate "isolation" coop, but rather than be attached, it will be entirely separate. The run will still be 200 sq ft, so I do hope they'll have enough room both indoors and out, in addition to free ranging. Do I understand correctly, it's 4sq ft per bird inside so with 100 sq feet we could have 20 birds max? If that's the case, SHHHHH don't tell the DH!! He maxed out at 10!!
Hmm...does anyone know if we have to get a building permit to build the barn?
Never thought of that until now. BOO!

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